\n ","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":""},"encodingFormat":"text/html","suggestedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Only to overtake another vehicle","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Only to overtake another vehicle"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Only within 100 metres of making a turn","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Only within 100 metres of making a turn"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":2,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"When carrying at least two passengers","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"When carrying at least two passengers"}}],"acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Only within 100 metres of making a turn","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Only within 100 metres of making a turn"},"answerExplanation":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Only within 100 metres of making a turn"}}]},{"@type":"Question","eduQuestionType":"Multiple choice","learningResourceType":"Practice problem","name":"DKT test","text":"The driver of a 10 tonne GVM commercial bus (coach) is approaching the sign shown in the diagram. What should the driver do? \n\n ","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":""},"encodingFormat":"text/html","suggestedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Ignore the sign as it only applies to vehicles with a GVM above 15 tonnes","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Ignore the sign as it only applies to vehicles with a GVM above 15 tonnes"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Not exceed 40 Km/h","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Not exceed 40 Km/h"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":2,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Only drive faster than 40 Km/h if it is safe","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Only drive faster than 40 Km/h if it is safe"}}],"acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Not exceed 40 Km/h","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Not exceed 40 Km/h"},"answerExplanation":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Not exceed 40 Km/h"}}]},{"@type":"Question","eduQuestionType":"Multiple choice","learningResourceType":"Practice problem","name":"DKT test","text":"At night, when you approach an oncoming vehicle, you should:","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":""},"encodingFormat":"text/html","suggestedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Carefully watch the vehicle by looking directly at its headlights","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Carefully watch the vehicle by looking directly at its headlights"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Not look at its headlights, but keep left and watch the left of the road","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Not look at its headlights, but keep left and watch the left of the road"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":2,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Put your lights on high beam, to make your vehicle more easily seen","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Put your lights on high beam, to make your vehicle more easily seen"}}],"acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Not look at its headlights, but keep left and watch the left of the road","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"When you are driving at night, there are times when you have to drive at very low speeds because of traffic. During those times, it is important that you are careful about where you are driving. Make sure that you aren't putting yourself or your family in harm's way. One way to help you to avoid getting into trouble is to watch your side mirrors. You need to look at the lights on the vehicles in front of you. You need to be careful so that you can see the vehicles in your path. It's important that you look carefully, because you want to avoid being rear ended. Make sure that you are alert to the headlights of the vehicles behind you."},"answerExplanation":{"@type":"Comment","text":"When you are driving at night, there are times when you have to drive at very low speeds because of traffic. During those times, it is important that you are careful about where you are driving. Make sure that you aren't putting yourself or your family in harm's way. One way to help you to avoid getting into trouble is to watch your side mirrors. You need to look at the lights on the vehicles in front of you. You need to be careful so that you can see the vehicles in your path. It's important that you look carefully, because you want to avoid being rear ended. Make sure that you are alert to the headlights of the vehicles behind you."}}]},{"@type":"Question","eduQuestionType":"Multiple choice","learningResourceType":"Practice problem","name":"DKT test","text":"When driving at sunset or dawn on a dark day, what should you do?","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":""},"encodingFormat":"text/html","suggestedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Turn on your lights on low beam","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Turn on your lights on low beam"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Keep your sunglasses on to cut down headlight glare","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Keep your sunglasses on to cut down headlight glare"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":2,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Turn on your hazard warning lights","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Turn on your hazard warning lights"}}],"acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Turn on your lights on low beam","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"When you are driving at night, you will notice that the headlights of the car behind you are casting light beams on your car. These light beams can make it difficult to see at night. To avoid this problem, you should turn on your car's low-beam lights. In addition, you should put on your sunglasses to avoid the glare from the headlights of the car behind you. It's also a good idea to turn on your headlights' warning lights. This will alert other drivers that you are driving at night."},"answerExplanation":{"@type":"Comment","text":"When you are driving at night, you will notice that the headlights of the car behind you are casting light beams on your car. These light beams can make it difficult to see at night. To avoid this problem, you should turn on your car's low-beam lights. In addition, you should put on your sunglasses to avoid the glare from the headlights of the car behind you. It's also a good idea to turn on your headlights' warning lights. This will alert other drivers that you are driving at night."}}]},{"@type":"Question","eduQuestionType":"Multiple choice","learningResourceType":"Practice problem","name":"DKT test","text":"You wish to turn left here. The pedestrian lights are flashing red. You should: \n\n ","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":""},"encodingFormat":"text/html","suggestedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Give way to pedestrians still crossing","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Give way to pedestrians still crossing"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Move into the right hand lane","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Move into the right hand lane"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":2,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Slowly move through the intersection turning left","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Slowly move through the intersection turning left"}}],"acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Give way to pedestrians still crossing","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Give way to pedestrians still crossing"},"answerExplanation":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Give way to pedestrians still crossing"}}]},{"@type":"Question","eduQuestionType":"Multiple choice","learningResourceType":"Practice problem","name":"DKT test","text":"The faster the vehicle in front of you is travelling, the:","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":""},"encodingFormat":"text/html","suggestedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Closer you must get before starting to overtake","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Closer you must get before starting to overtake"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Less time you need to overtake","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Less time you need to overtake"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":2,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"More distance and time you need to overtake","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"More distance and time you need to overtake"}}],"acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":2,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"More distance and time you need to overtake","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"If you're driving behind someone, you need to stay a safe distance away so you don't have an accident. You should stay back a little bit, but still get close enough to see what they're doing. You can do this by looking in the rear-view mirror and adjusting your speed a little bit. The closer you get to the car ahead of you, the more chance you have of getting into a collision. This is especially true if you are going downhill. Be very careful. You might get distracted by something in front of you and end up having an accident. You need to keep your eyes on the road ahead. Your speed should not exceed the speed limit."},"answerExplanation":{"@type":"Comment","text":"If you're driving behind someone, you need to stay a safe distance away so you don't have an accident. You should stay back a little bit, but still get close enough to see what they're doing. You can do this by looking in the rear-view mirror and adjusting your speed a little bit. The closer you get to the car ahead of you, the more chance you have of getting into a collision. This is especially true if you are going downhill. Be very careful. You might get distracted by something in front of you and end up having an accident. You need to keep your eyes on the road ahead. Your speed should not exceed the speed limit."}}]},{"@type":"Question","eduQuestionType":"Multiple choice","learningResourceType":"Practice problem","name":"DKT test","text":"This person is standing on a pedestrian refuge. If he steps out onto your lane you should: \n\n ","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":""},"encodingFormat":"text/html","suggestedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Give way to the person if there is any danger of colliding","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Give way to the person if there is any danger of colliding"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Maintain your speed so you do not hold up the traffic","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Maintain your speed so you do not hold up the traffic"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":2,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Slow down and sound the horn to warn the person to move back","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Slow down and sound the horn to warn the person to move back"}}],"acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Give way to the person if there is any danger of colliding","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Give way to the person if there is any danger of colliding"},"answerExplanation":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Give way to the person if there is any danger of colliding"}}]}]},{"@context":"https://schema.org/","@type":"AggregateRating","itemReviewed":{"@type":"Course","name":"AU Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR","description":"Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR - Quiz: 91 questions with explanations and solutions, also available in PDF","provider":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Easy Quizzz","sameAs":"https://www.easy-quizzz.com"},"offers":[{"@type":"Offer","category":"Driving License","priceCurrency":"AUD","price":0}],"about":["DKT test"],"hasCourseInstance":[{"@type":"CourseInstance","courseMode":"Online","courseWorkload":"PT20M"}]},"ratingCount":338,"ratingValue":4.7,"bestRating":5,"worstRating":0}]}
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Question 1/101/10
DKT test
DKT test
DKT test
Are you allowed to use a hand-held mobile phone while driving a car?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Yes, but only when you stop at intersections
Yes, but you must hold the steering wheel with at least one hand
It is illegal to use a hand-held mobile phone while driving a car. This includes talking, texting, checking emails or using any other function on the phone. Option B is incorrect as you are not allowed to use a hand-held mobile phone at any time while driving, and Option C is incorrect for the same reason. Therefore, Option A is the correct answer.
Right Answer: A
Question 2/102/10
DKT test
DKT test
DKT test
What is the maximum allowable width of a B-Double?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
1.5 metres
2.5 metres
3.5 metres
There are two types of roadways, namely, motorways and primary roads. The primary roads can accommodate a wider width of vehicles and are divided into three lanes on each side. These roads are usually in urban areas. A motorway is a type of road that accommodates large and heavy vehicles and is divided into four or five lanes. Motorways can be further divided into numbered motorways and named motorways. These roads are usually found in towns and cities. They can accommodate larger and heavier vehicles. The B-Double lane is an example of a road that has been specially designed for heavy goods vehicles. The maximum allowable width of a B-Double lane is 2.5 metres.
Right Answer: B
Question 3/103/10
DKT test
DKT test
DKT test
When driving in wet weather, your vehicle will:
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Handle better, so you can go faster
Stop in the same distance as on a dry road
Take longer and further to stop, so slow down
When it rains or snows, the driver needs to reduce his speed to avoid being stuck in the street. This way, he can drive in conditions where it would be dangerous to drive fast. In fact, if it rains heavily, then you should slow down. It is safe to drive slower when there is rain or snow on the road. It is important to drive carefully. This means that you will need to look at your surroundings and concentrate on what you need to do next. When it rains or snows, it is easier for cars to get stuck in the street because of the high water level. Therefore, slow down to prevent getting stuck in the street. It will also be safer for you if you slow down.
Right Answer: C
Question 4/104/10
DKT test
DKT test
DKT test
When can a private car travel in a lane marked by this sign?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Only to overtake another vehicle
Only within 100 metres of making a turn
When carrying at least two passengers
Right Answer: B
Question 5/105/10
DKT test
DKT test
DKT test
The driver of a 10 tonne GVM commercial bus (coach) is approaching the sign shown in the diagram. What should the driver do?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Ignore the sign as it only applies to vehicles with a GVM above 15 tonnes
Not exceed 40 Km/h
Only drive faster than 40 Km/h if it is safe
Right Answer: B
Question 6/106/10
DKT test
DKT test
DKT test
At night, when you approach an oncoming vehicle, you should:
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Carefully watch the vehicle by looking directly at its headlights
Not look at its headlights, but keep left and watch the left of the road
Put your lights on high beam, to make your vehicle more easily seen
When you are driving at night, there are times when you have to drive at very low speeds because of traffic. During those times, it is important that you are careful about where you are driving. Make sure that you aren't putting yourself or your family in harm's way. One way to help you to avoid getting into trouble is to watch your side mirrors. You need to look at the lights on the vehicles in front of you. You need to be careful so that you can see the vehicles in your path. It's important that you look carefully, because you want to avoid being rear ended. Make sure that you are alert to the headlights of the vehicles behind you.
Right Answer: B
Question 7/107/10
DKT test
DKT test
DKT test
When driving at sunset or dawn on a dark day, what should you do?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Turn on your lights on low beam
Keep your sunglasses on to cut down headlight glare
Turn on your hazard warning lights
When you are driving at night, you will notice that the headlights of the car behind you are casting light beams on your car. These light beams can make it difficult to see at night. To avoid this problem, you should turn on your car's low-beam lights. In addition, you should put on your sunglasses to avoid the glare from the headlights of the car behind you. It's also a good idea to turn on your headlights' warning lights. This will alert other drivers that you are driving at night.
Right Answer: A
Question 8/108/10
DKT test
DKT test
DKT test
You wish to turn left here. The pedestrian lights are flashing red. You should:
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Give way to pedestrians still crossing
Move into the right hand lane
Slowly move through the intersection turning left
Right Answer: A
Question 9/109/10
DKT test
DKT test
DKT test
The faster the vehicle in front of you is travelling, the:
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Closer you must get before starting to overtake
Less time you need to overtake
More distance and time you need to overtake
If you're driving behind someone, you need to stay a safe distance away so you don't have an accident. You should stay back a little bit, but still get close enough to see what they're doing. You can do this by looking in the rear-view mirror and adjusting your speed a little bit. The closer you get to the car ahead of you, the more chance you have of getting into a collision. This is especially true if you are going downhill. Be very careful. You might get distracted by something in front of you and end up having an accident. You need to keep your eyes on the road ahead. Your speed should not exceed the speed limit.
Right Answer: C
Question 10/1010/10
DKT test
DKT test
DKT test
This person is standing on a pedestrian refuge. If he steps out onto your lane you should:
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Give way to the person if there is any danger of colliding
Maintain your speed so you do not hold up the traffic
Slow down and sound the horn to warn the person to move back
Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR Practice test unlocks all online simulator questions
Thank you for choosing the free version of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR practice test! Further deepen your knowledge on Driving License Simulator; by unlocking the full version of our Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR Simulator you will be able to take tests with over 91 constantly updated questions and easily pass your exam. 98% of people pass the exam in the first attempt after preparing with our 91 questions.
What to expect from our Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR practice tests and how to prepare for any exam?
The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR Simulator Practice Tests are part of the Driving License Database and are the best way to prepare for any Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR exam. The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR practice tests consist of 91 questions divided by 1 topics and are written by experts to help you and prepare you to pass the exam on the first attempt. The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR database includes questions from previous and other exams, which means you will be able to practice simulating past and future questions. Preparation with Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR Simulator will also give you an idea of the time it will take to complete each section of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR practice test . It is important to note that the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR Simulator does not replace the classic Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR study guides; however, the Simulator provides valuable insights into what to expect and how much work needs to be done to prepare for the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR exam.
Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR Practice test therefore represents an excellent tool to prepare for the actual exam together with our Driving License practice test . Our Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR Simulator will help you assess your level of preparation and understand your strengths and weaknesses. Below you can read all the quizzes you will find in our Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR Simulator and how our unique Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR Database made up of real questions:
Info quiz:
Quiz name:Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR
Total number of questions:91
Number of questions for the test:50
Pass score:90%
Number of topics:1 Topics
Study topics:Number of questions:
DKT test:91 Questions
You can prepare for the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR exams with our mobile app. It is very easy to use and even works offline in case of network failure, with all the functions you need to study and practice with our Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR Simulator.
Use our Mobile App, available for both Android and iOS devices, with our Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR Simulator . You can use it anywhere and always remember that our mobile app is free and available on all stores.
Our Mobile App contains all Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR practice tests which consist of 91 questions that are divided by 1 topics and also provide study material to pass the final Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR exam with guaranteed success.
Our Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR database contain hundreds of questions and Driving License Tests related to Australian Capital Territory (ACT) - Class HR Exam. This way you can practice anywhere you want, even offline without the internet.