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Randomizado | 10 Perguntas por teste | 20 Minutos | 70% para passar|
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Pergunta: / 10
4.9(332 Votos)
Pergunta 1/101/10
Perguntas mistas
Perguntas mistas
Perguntas mistas
A common sight on Japanese transport is children trooping through train cars, looking for seats, the kids are as young as 6 or 7, on their way to and from school, and there is nary a guardian in sight.
According to Dwayne Dixon, a cultural anthropologist, this degree of independence is the outcome of “group reliance” and not self-sufficiency, this is because children are taught at an early age that they may be called on to serve or help others and this is reinforced at school, where children take turns cleaning and serving lunch rather than relying on staff. This distributes labour across various shoulders and rotates expectations and taking responsibility for shared spaces means that children have pride of ownership and understand in a concrete way the consequences of making a mess, since they’ll have to clean it up themselves.
It was a lot more common to see children doing tasks on their own in the past than it is today.
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1 resposta correta
Cannot say
It is unclear if this was more common in the past
Resposta certa: C
Pergunta 2/102/10
Perguntas mistas
Perguntas mistas
Perguntas mistas
A common sight on Japanese transport is children trooping through train cars, looking for seats, the kids are as young as 6 or 7, on their way to and from school, and there is nary a guardian in sight.
According to Dwayne Dixon, a cultural anthropologist, this degree of independence is the outcome of “group reliance” and not self-sufficiency, this is because children are taught at an early age that they may be called on to serve or help others and this is reinforced at school, where children take turns cleaning and serving lunch rather than relying on staff. This distributes labour across various shoulders and rotates expectations and taking responsibility for shared spaces means that children have pride of ownership and understand in a concrete way the consequences of making a mess, since they’ll have to clean it up themselves.
Children are taught to be independent from a young age so they can support others when needed.
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1 resposta correta
Cannot say
It is indicated that they learn independence to help others
Resposta certa: A
Pergunta 3/103/10
Perguntas mistas
Perguntas mistas
Perguntas mistas
A common sight on Japanese transport is children trooping through train cars, looking for seats, the kids are as young as 6 or 7, on their way to and from school, and there is nary a guardian in sight.
According to Dwayne Dixon, a cultural anthropologist, this degree of independence is the outcome of “group reliance” and not self-sufficiency, this is because children are taught at an early age that they may be called on to serve or help others and this is reinforced at school, where children take turns cleaning and serving lunch rather than relying on staff. This distributes labour across various shoulders and rotates expectations and taking responsibility for shared spaces means that children have pride of ownership and understand in a concrete way the consequences of making a mess, since they’ll have to clean it up themselves.
Japanese schools rely on students to perform all tasks rather than staff.
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1 resposta correta
Cannot say
They do rely on students for some things but unclear as to how much
Resposta certa: C
Pergunta 4/104/10
Perguntas mistas
Perguntas mistas
Perguntas mistas
A common sight on Japanese transport is children trooping through train cars, looking for seats, the kids are as young as 6 or 7, on their way to and from school, and there is nary a guardian in sight.
According to Dwayne Dixon, a cultural anthropologist, this degree of independence is the outcome of “group reliance” and not self-sufficiency, this is because children are taught at an early age that they may be called on to serve or help others and this is reinforced at school, where children take turns cleaning and serving lunch rather than relying on staff. This distributes labour across various shoulders and rotates expectations and taking responsibility for shared spaces means that children have pride of ownership and understand in a concrete way the consequences of making a mess, since they’ll have to clean it up themselves.
Some students are expected to perform tasks more often than others.
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1 resposta correta
Cannot say
Tasks are equally divided
Resposta certa: B
Pergunta 5/105/10
Perguntas mistas
Perguntas mistas
Perguntas mistas
In 2014, Apple launched a large project, named Titan, to build a car. A few years later however, Apple is cutting back its ambitions. According to a news outlet, the company has completely given up on the auto-manufacturing dream. Instead, it’s focusing on developing software for self-driving cars. These could be used to power cars manufactured by traditional manufacturers.
Silicon Valley tycoons have a habit of entering new industries and quickly turning them upside down, as with Apple’s iPhone in the cellphone industry. But Apple’s car struggles serve as a reminder that not every industry can be disrupted.
The purpose of project Titan was for Apple to build a car.
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1 resposta correta
Cannot say
It is stated in the article that it was the purpose
Resposta certa: A
Pergunta 6/106/10
Perguntas mistas
Perguntas mistas
Perguntas mistas
In 2014, Apple launched a large project, named Titan, to build a car. A few years later however, Apple is cutting back its ambitions. According to a news outlet, the company has completely given up on the auto-manufacturing dream. Instead, it’s focusing on developing software for self-driving cars. These could be used to power cars manufactured by traditional manufacturers.
Silicon Valley tycoons have a habit of entering new industries and quickly turning them upside down, as with Apple’s iPhone in the cellphone industry. But Apple’s car struggles serve as a reminder that not every industry can be disrupted.
Project Titan was only one amongst many new industries Apple was trying to enter.
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1 resposta correta
Cannot say
It is not stated if others also tried to enter the industry
Resposta certa: C
Pergunta 7/107/10
Perguntas mistas
Perguntas mistas
Perguntas mistas
In 2014, Apple launched a large project, named Titan, to build a car. A few years later however, Apple is cutting back its ambitions. According to a news outlet, the company has completely given up on the auto-manufacturing dream. Instead, it’s focusing on developing software for self-driving cars. These could be used to power cars manufactured by traditional manufacturers.
Silicon Valley tycoons have a habit of entering new industries and quickly turning them upside down, as with Apple’s iPhone in the cellphone industry. But Apple’s car struggles serve as a reminder that not every industry can be disrupted.
Apple is the only company that tries to enter new markets and make a change.
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1 resposta correta
Cannot say
Many Silicon Valley companies also try the same thing
Resposta certa: B
Pergunta 8/108/10
Perguntas mistas
Perguntas mistas
Perguntas mistas
In 2014, Apple launched a large project, named Titan, to build a car. A few years later however, Apple is cutting back its ambitions. According to a news outlet, the company has completely given up on the auto-manufacturing dream. Instead, it’s focusing on developing software for self-driving cars. These could be used to power cars manufactured by traditional manufacturers.
Silicon Valley tycoons have a habit of entering new industries and quickly turning them upside down, as with Apple’s iPhone in the cellphone industry. But Apple’s car struggles serve as a reminder that not every industry can be disrupted.
Many companies who have entered a new market have also faced similar problems.
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1 resposta correta
Cannot say
Many newcomers have also failed
Resposta certa: A
Pergunta 9/109/10
Perguntas mistas
Perguntas mistas
Perguntas mistas
An experiment, conducted by the universities of Würzburg and Nottingham Trent, revealed that 37.4% of the participants rated their phone as equally or more important in relation to their close friends and 29.4 % even said their smartphone was equally or more important to them than their parents.
Smartphones are dangerous, not because they may cause stress, anxiety, and even depression, but because they change your behavior. Researchers asked participants to perform a concentration test under four different circumstances: with their smartphone in their pocket, at their desk, locked in a drawer and removed from the room completely. The results are significant, test results were lowest when the smartphone was on the desk, but with every additional layer of distance between participants and their smartphones, test performance increased. Overall, test results were 26% higher when phones were removed from the room.
The experiment was done simultaneously at both universities.
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1 resposta correta
Cannot say
It is unclear if it was done simultaneously or at different times
Resposta certa: C
Pergunta 10/1010/10
Perguntas mistas
Perguntas mistas
Perguntas mistas
An experiment, conducted by the universities of Würzburg and Nottingham Trent, revealed that 37.4% of the participants rated their phone as equally or more important in relation to their close friends and 29.4 % even said their smartphone was equally or more important to them than their parents.
Smartphones are dangerous, not because they may cause stress, anxiety, and even depression, but because they change your behavior. Researchers asked participants to perform a concentration test under four different circumstances: with their smartphone in their pocket, at their desk, locked in a drawer and removed from the room completely. The results are significant, test results were lowest when the smartphone was on the desk, but with every additional layer of distance between participants and their smartphones, test performance increased. Overall, test results were 26% higher when phones were removed from the room.
More people in the study rated their phone equally or more important than friends rather than parents.
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1 resposta correta
Cannot say
A combined total shows that more people rated their phone as more important
Simulados e Questões de Concursos Administrativos Teste de prática desbloqueia todas as perguntas do simulador online
Obrigado por escolher a versão gratuita do Simulados e Questões de Concursos Administrativos Teste de prática ! Aprofundar ainda mais seu conhecimento sobre Concursos Públicos Administrativos simulador ; Ao desbloquear a versão completa do nosso simulador Simulados e Questões de Concursos Administrativos , você poderá fazer testes com 34 perguntas atualizadas constantemente e passar facilmente no exame. 98% das pessoas passam no exame na primeira tentativa depois de se prepararem com nossas perguntas 34.
O que esperar de nossos testes práticos Simulados e Questões de Concursos Administrativos e como se preparar para qualquer exame?
Os testes de prática do simulador Simulados e Questões de Concursos Administrativos fazem parte do banco de dados Concursos Públicos Administrativos e são a melhor maneira de se preparar para qualquer exame Simulados e Questões de Concursos Administrativos. Os testes de prática Simulados e Questões de Concursos Administrativos consistem em perguntas 34 divididas por 1 tópicos e são escritas por especialistas para ajudá -lo e prepará -lo para passar no exame na primeira tentativa. O banco de dados Simulados e Questões de Concursos Administrativos inclui perguntas de exames anteriores e outros, o que significa que você poderá praticar a simulação de perguntas passadas e futuras. A preparação com Simulados e Questões de Concursos Administrativos simulador também fornecerá uma idéia do tempo necessário para concluir cada seção do teste de prática Simulados e Questões de Concursos Administrativos . É importante observar que o simulador Simulados e Questões de Concursos Administrativos não substitui os guias de estudo clássicos Simulados e Questões de Concursos Administrativos; No entanto, o simulador fornece informações valiosas sobre o que esperar e quanto trabalho precisa ser feito para se preparar para o exame Simulados e Questões de Concursos Administrativos.
Simulados e Questões de Concursos Administrativos Teste de prática , portanto, representa uma excelente ferramenta para se preparar para o exame real, juntamente com o nosso Concursos Públicos Administrativos Teste de prática . Nosso simulador Simulados e Questões de Concursos Administrativos ajudará você a avaliar seu nível de preparação e a entender seus pontos fortes e fracos. Abaixo, você pode ler todos os testes que encontrará em nosso simulador Simulados e Questões de Concursos Administrativos e como nosso banco de dados único Simulados e Questões de Concursos Administrativos composto de perguntas reais:
Informações sobre o quiz:
Nome do teste:Simulados e Questões de Concursos Administrativos
Número total de perguntas:34
Número de perguntas para o teste:50
Passagem de passagem:70%
Número de tópicos:1 Tópicos
Tópicos de estudo:Número de perguntas:
Perguntas mistas:34 Perguntas
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