\n ","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":""},"encodingFormat":"text/html","suggestedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Estimated Take-off Time is 10:00 UTC. 1","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Estimated Take-off Time is 10:00 UTC. 1"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Estimated Time of Arrival at destination is 11:34 UTC. 2","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Estimated Time of Arrival at destination is 11:34 UTC. 2"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":2,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Estimated Off-Block Time is 10:10 UTC. 3","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Estimated Off-Block Time is 10:10 UTC. 3"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":3,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Estimated Time of Arrival at destination is 11:44 UTC. 4","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Estimated Time of Arrival at destination is 11:44 UTC. 4"}}],"acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":3,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Estimated Time of Arrival at destination is 11:44 UTC. 4","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"."},"answerExplanation":{"@type":"Comment","text":"."}}]},{"@type":"Question","eduQuestionType":"Multiple choice","learningResourceType":"Practice problem","name":"Flight Monitoring And In-flight Replanning","text":"Refer to the image.A pilot flying a VFR route is forced by weather to descend at Chiemsee Island from the planned cruising altitude of FL85 to FL45. The OAT at FL45 is +9° C , the cruising CAS at that level is 130 kt, and the wind is as forecast. If the pilot flies the correct heading to account for the wind, to the nearest minute, what is the new ETA at Seeshaupt? \n ","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":""},"encodingFormat":"text/html","suggestedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"09:011","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"09:011"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"08:552","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"08:552"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":2,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"08:593","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"08:593"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":3,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"09:044","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"09:044"}}],"acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":2,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"08:593","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"."},"answerExplanation":{"@type":"Comment","text":"."}}]},{"@type":"Question","eduQuestionType":"Multiple choice","learningResourceType":"Practice problem","name":"Pre-flight Preparation","text":"A helicopter crew is planning a flight to a destination where the weather is expected to be poor. If the Commander elects to add more fuel to account for weather delays, and if the crew choose to use the same collective pitch...","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":""},"encodingFormat":"text/html","suggestedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"the aircraft will be slower, and with the extra time taken will burn more fuel.1","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"the aircraft will be slower, and with the extra time taken will burn more fuel.1"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"the fuel flow will be higher and trip time unchanged, so the aircraft will burn more fuel.2","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"the fuel flow will be higher and trip time unchanged, so the aircraft will burn more fuel.2"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":2,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"the aircraft will be faster, and with the shorter flight time will burn less fuel.3","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"the aircraft will be faster, and with the shorter flight time will burn less fuel.3"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":3,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"the fuel flow will be the same, so Trip Fuel will not change.4","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"the fuel flow will be the same, so Trip Fuel will not change.4"}}],"acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"the aircraft will be slower, and with the extra time taken will burn more fuel.1","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Adding more fuel to account for weather delays will result in the aircraft being slower. This is because the extra weight of the fuel will increase the drag on the aircraft, causing it to burn more fuel over time."},"answerExplanation":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Adding more fuel to account for weather delays will result in the aircraft being slower. This is because the extra weight of the fuel will increase the drag on the aircraft, causing it to burn more fuel over time."}}]},{"@type":"Question","eduQuestionType":"Multiple choice","learningResourceType":"Practice problem","name":"Fuel Planning","text":"A twin-engined turbojet is being operated for a Commercial Air Transport flight. The Reduced Contingency Fuel (RCF) procedure is being applied.Given the following information, find the minimum required contingency Fuel.Route: from Dep to original destination A via decision point DP with optional refuel destination B.Trip Fuel Dep - A via DP: 5000 KgTrip Fuel Dep - B via DP: 4000 KgFuel DP - A: 2000 Kg","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":""},"encodingFormat":"text/html","suggestedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"250 Kg1","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"250 Kg1"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"150 Kg2","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"150 Kg2"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":2,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"100 Kg3","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"100 Kg3"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":3,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"200 Kg4","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"200 Kg4"}}],"acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":2,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"100 Kg3","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"The Reduced Contingency Fuel (RCF) procedure requires a minimum of 5% of the total planned fuel from departure to the original destination via the decision point DP. In this case, the trip fuel from Dep to A via DP is 5000 Kg, and the fuel from DP to A is 2000 Kg. Therefore, the RCF required would be 5% of (5000 + 2000) = 350 Kg."},"answerExplanation":{"@type":"Comment","text":"The Reduced Contingency Fuel (RCF) procedure requires a minimum of 5% of the total planned fuel from departure to the original destination via the decision point DP. In this case, the trip fuel from Dep to A via DP is 5000 Kg, and the fuel from DP to A is 2000 Kg. Therefore, the RCF required would be 5% of (5000 + 2000) = 350 Kg."}}]},{"@type":"Question","eduQuestionType":"Multiple choice","learningResourceType":"Practice problem","name":"Flight Planning For VFR Flights","text":"Refer to NANTES - Charts 19-1, 19-2, 19-3 from Jeppesen GSPRM 2017. How many VFR approaches to Nantes are published? \n \n\n \n\n ","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":""},"encodingFormat":"text/html","suggestedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"11","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"11"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"52","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"52"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":2,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"33","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"33"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":3,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"44","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"44"}}],"acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":3,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"44","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"."},"answerExplanation":{"@type":"Comment","text":"."}}]},{"@type":"Question","eduQuestionType":"Multiple choice","learningResourceType":"Practice problem","name":"Flight Planning For IFR Flights","text":"Refer to Chart E LO 2 from Jeppesen GSPRM You are flying on M90 from BERGI to LONAM (page 8 sectors C & D).\nWhich of the following special use airspaces will you be passing through?","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":""},"encodingFormat":"text/html","suggestedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"EH -(D)-41A1","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"EH -(D)-41A1"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"EH -(D)-092","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"EH -(D)-092"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":2,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"EH -(R)-093","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"EH -(R)-093"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":3,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"EH -(D)-41B4","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"EH -(D)-41B4"}}],"acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"EH -(D)-092","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"When flying from BERGI to LONAM on M90 as depicted in Chart E LO 2 from Jeppesen GSPRM, you will be passing through special use airspace EH -(D)-092."},"answerExplanation":{"@type":"Comment","text":"When flying from BERGI to LONAM on M90 as depicted in Chart E LO 2 from Jeppesen GSPRM, you will be passing through special use airspace EH -(D)-092."}}]}]},{"@context":"https://schema.org/","@type":"AggregateRating","itemReviewed":{"@type":"Course","name":"BR Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo","description":"Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo - Quiz: 950 Perguntas com explicações e soluções, também disponível em pdf","provider":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Easy Quizzz","sameAs":"https://www.easy-quizzz.com"},"offers":[{"@type":"Offer","category":"Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A)","priceCurrency":"BRL","price":0}],"about":["ICAO Flight Plan (ATS Flight Plan)","Flight Planning For IFR Flights","Fuel Planning","Pre-flight Preparation","Flight Monitoring And In-flight Replanning","Flight Planning For VFR Flights"],"hasCourseInstance":[{"@type":"CourseInstance","courseMode":"Online","courseWorkload":"PT20M"}]},"ratingCount":178,"ratingValue":4.8,"bestRating":5,"worstRating":0}]}
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4.8(178 Votos)
Pergunta 1/101/10
Pre-flight Preparation
Pre-flight Preparation
Pre-flight Preparation
Consider the following NOTAM. Which of the following statements correctly describes the content of item E? Q) EDGG/QIXLT/I/BO/A/000/999/5002N00834E005 B) FROM: 13/10/24 09:21 E) ILS 25C LO, IDENT FR, 297KHZ, RANGE LIMITED TO 10NM. REF AIP AD2 EDDF 1-10 The range of the…
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1 resposta correta
localiser is limited to 10 NM.1
ILS is limited to 10 NM.2
identification is limited to 10 NM.3
locator is limited to 10 NM.4
The range of the locator is limited to 10 NM.
Resposta certa: D
Pergunta 2/102/10
Fuel Planning
Fuel Planning
Fuel Planning
Fuel volume: 3800 US Gallons
Fuel density: 0.79 kg/l.
The fuel mass is:
Selecione a resposta:Selecione a resposta
1 resposta correta
11364 kg.1
13647 kg.2
14383 kg.3
18206 kg.4
The fuel mass can be calculated by multiplying the fuel volume by the fuel density. Therefore, 3800 US Gallons * 0.79 kg/l = 11364 kg.
Resposta certa: A
Pergunta 3/103/10
Flight Planning For VFR Flights
Flight Planning For VFR Flights
Flight Planning For VFR Flights
Refer to ALICANTE - charts 19-1, 19-2 and 19-3 from Jeppesen GSPRM 2017
What is the elevation of the highest obstacle on the chart?
Selecione a resposta:Selecione a resposta
1 resposta correta
4252 Ft amsl1
FL 552
5,000ft amsl3
1821 ft amsl4
The elevation of the highest obstacle on the chart is 4252 Ft amsl.
Resposta certa: A
Pergunta 4/104/10
Flight Planning For IFR Flights
Flight Planning For IFR Flights
Flight Planning For IFR Flights
Which of the these statements is the correct reason for pre flight study of SIDs and STARS?
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1 resposta correta
The primary reason for pre flight study and familiarity of the expected arrival and departure procedures is for the pilot to learn the procedures and follow the correct lateral and vertical profiles.1
The primary reason for pre flight study and familiarity of the expected arrival and departure procedures is for the pilot to learn which runwaty to use.2
The primary reason for pre flight study and familiarity of the expected arrival and departure procedures is for the pilot to be aware of the MSA and safety altitude limitations.3
The primary reason for pre flight study and familiarity of the expected arrival and departure procedures is for the pilot to learn the procedures and select the correct radio navaids4
Pre-flight study of SIDs and STARs is essential for pilots to familiarize themselves with the expected arrival and departure procedures, enabling them to follow the correct lateral and vertical profiles during flight.
Resposta certa: A
Pergunta 5/105/10
ICAO Flight Plan (ATS Flight Plan)
ICAO Flight Plan (ATS Flight Plan)
ICAO Flight Plan (ATS Flight Plan)
Refer to figure 033-97.Refer to the following flight plan excerpt:
Item 08: VFR
Item 13: 1000
Item 16: 0134
If the estimated taxi time at the departure aerodrome is 10 minutes, the...
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1 resposta correta
Estimated Take-off Time is 10:00 UTC.
Estimated Time of Arrival at destination is 11:34 UTC.
Estimated Off-Block Time is 10:10 UTC.
Estimated Time of Arrival at destination is 11:44 UTC.
Resposta certa: D
Pergunta 6/106/10
Flight Monitoring And In-flight Replanning
Flight Monitoring And In-flight Replanning
Flight Monitoring And In-flight Replanning
Refer to the image.A pilot flying a VFR route is forced by weather to descend at Chiemsee Island from the planned cruising altitude of FL85 to FL45. The OAT at FL45 is +9° C , the cruising CAS at that level is 130 kt, and the wind is as forecast. If the pilot flies the correct heading to account for the wind, to the nearest minute, what is the new ETA at Seeshaupt?
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1 resposta correta
Resposta certa: C
Pergunta 7/107/10
Pre-flight Preparation
Pre-flight Preparation
Pre-flight Preparation
A helicopter crew is planning a flight to a destination where the weather is expected to be poor. If the Commander elects to add more fuel to account for weather delays, and if the crew choose to use the same collective pitch...
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1 resposta correta
the aircraft will be slower, and with the extra time taken will burn more fuel.1
the fuel flow will be higher and trip time unchanged, so the aircraft will burn more fuel.2
the aircraft will be faster, and with the shorter flight time will burn less fuel.3
the fuel flow will be the same, so Trip Fuel will not change.4
Adding more fuel to account for weather delays will result in the aircraft being slower. This is because the extra weight of the fuel will increase the drag on the aircraft, causing it to burn more fuel over time.
Resposta certa: A
Pergunta 8/108/10
Fuel Planning
Fuel Planning
Fuel Planning
A twin-engined turbojet is being operated for a Commercial Air Transport flight. The Reduced Contingency Fuel (RCF) procedure is being applied.Given the following information, find the minimum required contingency Fuel.Route: from Dep to original destination A via decision point DP with optional refuel destination B.Trip Fuel Dep - A via DP: 5000 KgTrip Fuel Dep - B via DP: 4000 KgFuel DP - A: 2000 Kg
Selecione a resposta:Selecione a resposta
1 resposta correta
250 Kg1
150 Kg2
100 Kg3
200 Kg4
The Reduced Contingency Fuel (RCF) procedure requires a minimum of 5% of the total planned fuel from departure to the original destination via the decision point DP. In this case, the trip fuel from Dep to A via DP is 5000 Kg, and the fuel from DP to A is 2000 Kg. Therefore, the RCF required would be 5% of (5000 + 2000) = 350 Kg.
Resposta certa: C
Pergunta 9/109/10
Flight Planning For VFR Flights
Flight Planning For VFR Flights
Flight Planning For VFR Flights
Refer to NANTES - Charts 19-1, 19-2, 19-3 from Jeppesen GSPRM 2017. How many VFR approaches to Nantes are published?
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1 resposta correta
Resposta certa: D
Pergunta 10/1010/10
Flight Planning For IFR Flights
Flight Planning For IFR Flights
Flight Planning For IFR Flights
Refer to Chart E LO 2 from Jeppesen GSPRM
You are flying on M90 from BERGI to LONAM (page 8 sectors C & D).
Which of the following special use airspaces will you be passing through?
Selecione a resposta:Selecione a resposta
1 resposta correta
EH -(D)-41A1
EH -(D)-092
EH -(R)-093
EH -(D)-41B4
When flying from BERGI to LONAM on M90 as depicted in Chart E LO 2 from Jeppesen GSPRM, you will be passing through special use airspace EH -(D)-092.
Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo Teste de prática desbloqueia todas as perguntas do simulador online
Obrigado por escolher a versão gratuita do Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo Teste de prática ! Aprofundar ainda mais seu conhecimento sobre Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) simulador ; Ao desbloquear a versão completa do nosso simulador Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo , você poderá fazer testes com 950 perguntas atualizadas constantemente e passar facilmente no exame. 98% das pessoas passam no exame na primeira tentativa depois de se prepararem com nossas perguntas 950.
O que esperar de nossos testes práticos Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo e como se preparar para qualquer exame?
Os testes de prática do simulador Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo fazem parte do banco de dados Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) e são a melhor maneira de se preparar para qualquer exame Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo. Os testes de prática Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo consistem em perguntas 950 divididas por 6 tópicos e são escritas por especialistas para ajudá -lo e prepará -lo para passar no exame na primeira tentativa. O banco de dados Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo inclui perguntas de exames anteriores e outros, o que significa que você poderá praticar a simulação de perguntas passadas e futuras. A preparação com Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo simulador também fornecerá uma idéia do tempo necessário para concluir cada seção do teste de prática Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo . É importante observar que o simulador Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo não substitui os guias de estudo clássicos Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo; No entanto, o simulador fornece informações valiosas sobre o que esperar e quanto trabalho precisa ser feito para se preparar para o exame Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo.
Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo Teste de prática , portanto, representa uma excelente ferramenta para se preparar para o exame real, juntamente com o nosso Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Teste de prática . Nosso simulador Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo ajudará você a avaliar seu nível de preparação e a entender seus pontos fortes e fracos. Abaixo, você pode ler todos os testes que encontrará em nosso simulador Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo e como nosso banco de dados único Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo composto de perguntas reais:
Informações sobre o quiz:
Nome do teste:Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo
Número total de perguntas:950
Número de perguntas para o teste:100
Passagem de passagem:70%
Número de tópicos:6 Tópicos
Tópicos de estudo:Número de perguntas:
Flight Monitoring And In-flight Replanning:57 Perguntas
Flight Planning For IFR Flights:278 Perguntas
Flight Planning For VFR Flights:170 Perguntas
Fuel Planning:287 Perguntas
ICAO Flight Plan (ATS Flight Plan):63 Perguntas
Pre-flight Preparation:95 Perguntas
Você pode se preparar para os exames Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo com nosso aplicativo móvel. É muito fácil de usar e até funciona offline em caso de falha de rede, com todas as funções necessárias para estudar e praticar com nosso simulador Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo .
Use nosso aplicativo móvel, disponível para dispositivos Android e iOS, com nosso simulador Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo . Você pode usá -lo em qualquer lugar e sempre lembrar que nosso aplicativo móvel é gratuito e disponível em todas as lojas.
Nosso aplicativo móvel contém todos os testes de prática Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo que consistem em perguntas 950 que são divididas por tópicos 6 e também fornecem material de estudo para passar no exame final Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo com sucesso garantido.
Nosso banco de dados Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo contém centenas de perguntas e Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) testes relacionados a Simulado Prova Anac Piloto de Linha Aérea Avião ATPL (A) Performance e Planejamento de Voo exame . Dessa forma, você pode praticar em qualquer lugar que desejar, mesmo offline sem a Internet.