\n ","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":""},"encodingFormat":"text/html","suggestedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Pedestrians crossing","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Pedestrians crossing"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Business area","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Business area"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":2,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Playground area","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Playground area"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":3,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Children crossing","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Children crossing"}}],"acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":3,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Children crossing","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"This sign indicates that children should be careful when crossing the road. Watch out for school buses and other traffic, as well!"},"answerExplanation":{"@type":"Comment","text":"This sign indicates that children should be careful when crossing the road. Watch out for school buses and other traffic, as well!"}}]},{"@type":"Question","eduQuestionType":"Multiple choice","learningResourceType":"Practice problem","name":"Class C: Large Bus","text":"If your vehicle lacks antilock brakes (ABS), how can you stop quickly on a wet or icy roadway?","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":""},"encodingFormat":"text/html","suggestedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Apply the brakes the same way you always do.","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Apply the brakes the same way you always do."}},{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Keep your foot off the brake pedal and let your vehicle slow down.","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Keep your foot off the brake pedal and let your vehicle slow down."}},{"@type":"Answer","position":2,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Brake hard and try to prevent a skid.","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Brake hard and try to prevent a skid."}},{"@type":"Answer","position":3,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Pump the brakes.","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Pump the brakes."}}],"acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":3,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Pump the brakes.","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"If your vehicle lacks antilock brakes (ABS) and you need to stop quickly on a wet or icy roadway, it is recommended to pump the brakes. This technique helps to prevent the wheels from locking up and allows the driver to maintain better control of the vehicle. To pump the brakes, apply firm pressure to the brake pedal, then release it repeatedly in a rhythmic manner. This action helps to create a pulsating effect, which can improve traction between the tires and the road surface, reducing the risk of skidding or sliding."},"answerExplanation":{"@type":"Comment","text":"If your vehicle lacks antilock brakes (ABS) and you need to stop quickly on a wet or icy roadway, it is recommended to pump the brakes. This technique helps to prevent the wheels from locking up and allows the driver to maintain better control of the vehicle. To pump the brakes, apply firm pressure to the brake pedal, then release it repeatedly in a rhythmic manner. This action helps to create a pulsating effect, which can improve traction between the tires and the road surface, reducing the risk of skidding or sliding."}}]},{"@type":"Question","eduQuestionType":"Multiple choice","learningResourceType":"Practice problem","name":"General Knowledge","text":"If you are convicted of ________, four demerit points will be added to your driver's record.","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":""},"encodingFormat":"text/html","suggestedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"exceeding the speed limit by 49 km/h","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"exceeding the speed limit by 49 km/h"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"exceeding the speed limit by 29 km/h","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"exceeding the speed limit by 29 km/h"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":2,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"failing to obey a police officer's directions","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"failing to obey a police officer's directions"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":3,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"any of the above","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"any of the above"}}],"acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"exceeding the speed limit by 49 km/h","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Tailgating is not only annoying but also dangerous. If you're following too closely or exceeding the speed limit by 30–49 km/h each, then it's likely that your traffic violations will result in four demerit points being added to any existing fines!"},"answerExplanation":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Tailgating is not only annoying but also dangerous. If you're following too closely or exceeding the speed limit by 30–49 km/h each, then it's likely that your traffic violations will result in four demerit points being added to any existing fines!"}}]},{"@type":"Question","eduQuestionType":"Multiple choice","learningResourceType":"Practice problem","name":"Class C: Large Bus","text":"A broken centre line on a roadway means that you may","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":""},"encodingFormat":"text/html","suggestedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"never pass.","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"never pass."}},{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"pass if the way is clear.","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"pass if the way is clear."}},{"@type":"Answer","position":2,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"pass only during daylight hours.","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"pass only during daylight hours."}},{"@type":"Answer","position":3,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"pass at any time.","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"pass at any time."}}],"acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"pass if the way is clear.","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"A broken center line on a roadway indicates that passing is permitted if the way is clear. Broken center lines are used to separate lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions, and they indicate that drivers may pass other vehicles when it is safe to do so. However, it is important to always check for oncoming traffic and ensure that there is enough time and space to complete the passing maneuver without causing danger or inconvenience to other road users. Drivers should use their judgment and exercise caution when deciding to pass on a roadway with a broken center line."},"answerExplanation":{"@type":"Comment","text":"A broken center line on a roadway indicates that passing is permitted if the way is clear. Broken center lines are used to separate lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions, and they indicate that drivers may pass other vehicles when it is safe to do so. However, it is important to always check for oncoming traffic and ensure that there is enough time and space to complete the passing maneuver without causing danger or inconvenience to other road users. Drivers should use their judgment and exercise caution when deciding to pass on a roadway with a broken center line."}}]},{"@type":"Question","eduQuestionType":"Multiple choice","learningResourceType":"Practice problem","name":"General Knowledge","text":"What does this sign mean? \n ","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":""},"encodingFormat":"text/html","suggestedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Keep right of the obstacle ahead.","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Keep right of the obstacle ahead."}},{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"The road turns right and then left.","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"The road turns right and then left."}},{"@type":"Answer","position":2,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"There is a winding road ahead.","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"There is a winding road ahead."}},{"@type":"Answer","position":3,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Pass other traffic on the right.","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Pass other traffic on the right."}}],"acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Keep right of the obstacle ahead.","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"You should always watch out for this sign because it could mean that there's something in your way like a traffic island or another obstacle. Make sure to keep right when you see the warning light turn amber!"},"answerExplanation":{"@type":"Comment","text":"You should always watch out for this sign because it could mean that there's something in your way like a traffic island or another obstacle. Make sure to keep right when you see the warning light turn amber!"}}]},{"@type":"Question","eduQuestionType":"Multiple choice","learningResourceType":"Practice problem","name":"Class C: Large Bus","text":"You're driving on a two-way street when you hear the siren of an approaching emergency vehicle. Under Ontario law, what must you do?","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":""},"encodingFormat":"text/html","suggestedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Keep driving at the same speed.","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Keep driving at the same speed."}},{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Slow down to 15 km/h (10 mph).","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Slow down to 15 km/h (10 mph)."}},{"@type":"Answer","position":2,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Speed up to get out of the way.","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Speed up to get out of the way."}},{"@type":"Answer","position":3,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Pull over to the right and stop.","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Pull over to the right and stop."}}],"acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":3,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Pull over to the right and stop.","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Pull over to the right and stop."},"answerExplanation":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Pull over to the right and stop."}}]},{"@type":"Question","eduQuestionType":"Multiple choice","learningResourceType":"Practice problem","name":"General Knowledge","text":"What does this sign mean? \n ","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":""},"encodingFormat":"text/html","suggestedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Deer crossing","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Deer crossing"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Cattle crossing","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Cattle crossing"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":2,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Wildlife preserve ahead","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Wildlife preserve ahead"}},{"@type":"Answer","position":3,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Zoo ahead","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Zoo ahead"}}],"acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"Deer crossing","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"The sign means that deer often cross the road in this area. Be alert for them and slow down if you see one! Deer, elk or similar wildlife travel in herds so when a certain type is seen be on your toes because there may very well be others around as well"},"answerExplanation":{"@type":"Comment","text":"The sign means that deer often cross the road in this area. Be alert for them and slow down if you see one! Deer, elk or similar wildlife travel in herds so when a certain type is seen be on your toes because there may very well be others around as well"}}]},{"@type":"Question","eduQuestionType":"Multiple choice","learningResourceType":"Practice problem","name":"Class C: Large Bus","text":"Generally the safest drivers are those who","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":""},"encodingFormat":"text/html","suggestedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":0,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"have the best vision.","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"have the best vision."}},{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"adjust their driving to the conditions.","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"adjust their driving to the conditions."}},{"@type":"Answer","position":2,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"always stay within the law.","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"always stay within the law."}},{"@type":"Answer","position":3,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"have the best reaction time.","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"have the best reaction time."}}],"acceptedAnswer":[{"@type":"Answer","position":1,"encodingFormat":"text/html","text":"adjust their driving to the conditions.","comment":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Generally, the safest drivers are those who adjust their driving to the conditions. This means adapting your speed, following distance, and driving behavior based on factors such as weather conditions, traffic volume, and road conditions."},"answerExplanation":{"@type":"Comment","text":"Generally, the safest drivers are those who adjust their driving to the conditions. This means adapting your speed, following distance, and driving behavior based on factors such as weather conditions, traffic volume, and road conditions."}}]}]},{"@context":"https://schema.org/","@type":"AggregateRating","itemReviewed":{"@type":"Course","name":"CA Ontario - Class B license test","description":"Ontario - Class B license test - Quiz: 292 questions with explanations and solutions, also available in PDF","provider":{"@type":"Organization","name":"Easy Quizzz","sameAs":"https://www.easy-quizzz.com"},"offers":[{"@type":"Offer","category":"Driving License","priceCurrency":"CAD","price":0}],"about":["General Knowledge","Class C: Large Bus"],"hasCourseInstance":[{"@type":"CourseInstance","courseMode":"Online","courseWorkload":"PT20M"}]},"ratingCount":303,"ratingValue":4.7,"bestRating":5,"worstRating":0}]}
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4.7(303 Votes)
Question 1/101/10
General Knowledge
General Knowledge
General Knowledge
In Ontario, you must not park or leave your vehicle on a rural roadway unless there is a clear view for at least ________ in both directions.
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
150 metres (500 feet)
100 metres (328 feet)
30 metres (100 feet)
125 metres (410 feet)
Under the Ontario Highway Traffic Act, you must not park or leave your vehicle on a roadway outside a municipality unless (a) it's impractical to park the vehicle off the roadway and (b) there is a clear view for at least 125 metres (410 feet) in both directions on the roadway. [R.S.O. 1990, c. H.8, s. 170]
Right Answer: D
Question 2/102/10
Class C: Large Bus
Class C: Large Bus
Class C: Large Bus
You're approaching an intersection, and you notice that the roadway beyond the intersection is blocked with traffic. What should you do?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Stop before entering the intersection and wait until the traffic ahead moves on.
Proceed into the intersection and wait until the traffic ahead moves on.
Sound your horn to warn the cars ahead to move on.
Keep as close as possible to the vehicle ahead.
If you're approaching an intersection and notice that the roadway beyond the intersection is blocked with traffic, it is best to stop before entering the intersection and wait until the traffic ahead moves on. This ensures that you do not block the intersection and allows for a safer and more efficient flow of traffic.
Right Answer: A
Question 3/103/10
General Knowledge
General Knowledge
General Knowledge
What does this sign mean?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Pedestrians crossing
Business area
Playground area
Children crossing
This sign indicates that children should be careful when crossing the road. Watch out for school buses and other traffic, as well!
Right Answer: D
Question 4/104/10
Class C: Large Bus
Class C: Large Bus
Class C: Large Bus
If your vehicle lacks antilock brakes (ABS), how can you stop quickly on a wet or icy roadway?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Apply the brakes the same way you always do.
Keep your foot off the brake pedal and let your vehicle slow down.
Brake hard and try to prevent a skid.
Pump the brakes.
If your vehicle lacks antilock brakes (ABS) and you need to stop quickly on a wet or icy roadway, it is recommended to pump the brakes. This technique helps to prevent the wheels from locking up and allows the driver to maintain better control of the vehicle. To pump the brakes, apply firm pressure to the brake pedal, then release it repeatedly in a rhythmic manner. This action helps to create a pulsating effect, which can improve traction between the tires and the road surface, reducing the risk of skidding or sliding.
Right Answer: D
Question 5/105/10
General Knowledge
General Knowledge
General Knowledge
If you are convicted of ________, four demerit points will be added to your driver's record.
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
exceeding the speed limit by 49 km/h
exceeding the speed limit by 29 km/h
failing to obey a police officer's directions
any of the above
Tailgating is not only annoying but also dangerous. If you're following too closely or exceeding the speed limit by 30–49 km/h each, then it's likely that your traffic violations will result in four demerit points being added to any existing fines!
Right Answer: A
Question 6/106/10
Class C: Large Bus
Class C: Large Bus
Class C: Large Bus
A broken centre line on a roadway means that you may
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
never pass.
pass if the way is clear.
pass only during daylight hours.
pass at any time.
A broken center line on a roadway indicates that passing is permitted if the way is clear. Broken center lines are used to separate lanes of traffic moving in opposite directions, and they indicate that drivers may pass other vehicles when it is safe to do so. However, it is important to always check for oncoming traffic and ensure that there is enough time and space to complete the passing maneuver without causing danger or inconvenience to other road users. Drivers should use their judgment and exercise caution when deciding to pass on a roadway with a broken center line.
Right Answer: B
Question 7/107/10
General Knowledge
General Knowledge
General Knowledge
What does this sign mean?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Keep right of the obstacle ahead.
The road turns right and then left.
There is a winding road ahead.
Pass other traffic on the right.
You should always watch out for this sign because it could mean that there's something in your way like a traffic island or another obstacle. Make sure to keep right when you see the warning light turn amber!
Right Answer: A
Question 8/108/10
Class C: Large Bus
Class C: Large Bus
Class C: Large Bus
You're driving on a two-way street when you hear the siren of an approaching emergency vehicle. Under Ontario law, what must you do?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Keep driving at the same speed.
Slow down to 15 km/h (10 mph).
Speed up to get out of the way.
Pull over to the right and stop.
Right Answer: D
Question 9/109/10
General Knowledge
General Knowledge
General Knowledge
What does this sign mean?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Deer crossing
Cattle crossing
Wildlife preserve ahead
Zoo ahead
The sign means that deer often cross the road in this area. Be alert for them and slow down if you see one! Deer, elk or similar wildlife travel in herds so when a certain type is seen be on your toes because there may very well be others around as well
Right Answer: A
Question 10/1010/10
Class C: Large Bus
Class C: Large Bus
Class C: Large Bus
Generally the safest drivers are those who
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
have the best vision.
adjust their driving to the conditions.
always stay within the law.
have the best reaction time.
Generally, the safest drivers are those who adjust their driving to the conditions. This means adapting your speed, following distance, and driving behavior based on factors such as weather conditions, traffic volume, and road conditions.
Ontario - Class B license test Practice test unlocks all online simulator questions
Thank you for choosing the free version of the Ontario - Class B license test practice test! Further deepen your knowledge on Driving License Simulator; by unlocking the full version of our Ontario - Class B license test Simulator you will be able to take tests with over 292 constantly updated questions and easily pass your exam. 98% of people pass the exam in the first attempt after preparing with our 292 questions.
What to expect from our Ontario - Class B license test practice tests and how to prepare for any exam?
The Ontario - Class B license test Simulator Practice Tests are part of the Driving License Database and are the best way to prepare for any Ontario - Class B license test exam. The Ontario - Class B license test practice tests consist of 292 questions divided by 2 topics and are written by experts to help you and prepare you to pass the exam on the first attempt. The Ontario - Class B license test database includes questions from previous and other exams, which means you will be able to practice simulating past and future questions. Preparation with Ontario - Class B license test Simulator will also give you an idea of the time it will take to complete each section of the Ontario - Class B license test practice test . It is important to note that the Ontario - Class B license test Simulator does not replace the classic Ontario - Class B license test study guides; however, the Simulator provides valuable insights into what to expect and how much work needs to be done to prepare for the Ontario - Class B license test exam.
Ontario - Class B license test Practice test therefore represents an excellent tool to prepare for the actual exam together with our Driving License practice test . Our Ontario - Class B license test Simulator will help you assess your level of preparation and understand your strengths and weaknesses. Below you can read all the quizzes you will find in our Ontario - Class B license test Simulator and how our unique Ontario - Class B license test Database made up of real questions:
Info quiz:
Quiz name:Ontario - Class B license test
Total number of questions:292
Number of questions for the test:50
Pass score:80%
Number of topics:2 Topics
Study topics:Number of questions:
Class C: Large Bus:20 Questions
General Knowledge:272 Questions
You can prepare for the Ontario - Class B license test exams with our mobile app. It is very easy to use and even works offline in case of network failure, with all the functions you need to study and practice with our Ontario - Class B license test Simulator.
Use our Mobile App, available for both Android and iOS devices, with our Ontario - Class B license test Simulator . You can use it anywhere and always remember that our mobile app is free and available on all stores.
Our Mobile App contains all Ontario - Class B license test practice tests which consist of 292 questions that are divided by 2 topics and also provide study material to pass the final Ontario - Class B license test exam with guaranteed success.
Our Ontario - Class B license test database contain hundreds of questions and Driving License Tests related to Ontario - Class B license test Exam. This way you can practice anywhere you want, even offline without the internet.