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Define CAM setup, machine, and stock - Define stock
Define stock in CAM setup.
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The equipment used to cut the material
The design of the final product
The software used for programming the machine
The material being used for the manufacturing process


Define CAM setup, machine, and stock - Specify the model, chuck, and safe Z for a given process
What does CAM setup involve?
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Setting the safe Z
Choosing the machine
Adjusting the chuck size
Defining the model


Define CAM setup, machine, and stock - Specify the WCS and spun profile
What does CAM setup refer to in the context of turning tests?
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Selecting the cutting tool
Creating a new machine
Defining the work coordinate system
Designing the part geometry


Documentation and output - Demonstrate how to create an NC program
Which software is commonly used to create an NC program for turning?
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Fusion 360
Autodesk Inventor


Documentation and output - Interpret G-code to verify WCS and machine options
What is the purpose of interpreting G-code to verify WCS and machine options in CAM for Turning?
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To optimize tool paths for more efficient production
To ensure the correct coordinates are being used for machining
To verify the material type being used
To adjust the spindle speed based on the machine option


Documentation and output - Recall how to create Setup Sheets and the critical elements
How do you create Setup Sheets for CAM turning processes?
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Ignoring the setup sheet altogether
By selecting the option in the software
Manually entering all the details
Asking someone else to do it


Planning and setting up work - Demonstrate how to create and manage a tool library
How can you manage a tool library in CAM for Turning?
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3 respuestas correctas
Add new tools
Create tool groups
Delete existing tools
Edit tool parameters


Planning and setting up work - Demonstrate how to perform model prep
Which of the following is NOT a necessary step in planning and setting up work for CAM turning?
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Defining stock dimensions
Applying the finishing pass
Choosing the toolpath strategy
Determining the machine setup


Planning and setting up work - Interpret a drawing/blueprint
Which type of line on a drawing indicates the outline or edge of an object?
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Construction line
Object line
Hidden line
Center line


Planning and setting up work - Recognize workholding requirements
Which type of workholding is typically used for irregularly shaped workpieces in CAM for turning?
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Vacuum chucks
Collet chucks
Hydraulic clamps
Fixture plates
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Test de Autodesk Certified Associate in CAM for Turning Los test de práctica desbloquean todas las preguntas del simulador online

¡Gracias por elegir la versión gratis de prueba de práctica test de Test de Autodesk Certified Associate in CAM for Turning ! Profundiza aún más tus conocimientos con Simulador de Certificacion Autodesk; desbloqueando la versión completa de nuestro simulador de Test de Autodesk Certified Associate in CAM for Turning podrás hacer test con más de 264 preguntas actualizadas constantemente y aprobar fácilmente tu examen. El 98% de la gente aprueba el examen a la primera después de prepararse con nuestras 264 preguntas.


¿Qué esperar de nuestros Test de Autodesk Certified Associate in CAM for Turning test de práctica y cómo prepararte para cualquier examen?

Los test de práctica Test de Autodesk Certified Associate in CAM for Turning del simulador son parte de la Certificacion Autodesk Base de datos y son la mejor manera de prepararse para cualquier examen de Test de Autodesk Certified Associate in CAM for Turning. Los test de práctica de Test de Autodesk Certified Associate in CAM for Turning consisten en 264 preguntas divididas por 22 temas y están escritas por expertos para ayudarte a aprobar el examen en el primer intento. La base de datos de Test de Autodesk Certified Associate in CAM for Turning incluye preguntas de exámenes anteriores, lo que significa que podrás practicar preguntas anteriores y futuras. La preparación con el simulador de Test de Autodesk Certified Associate in CAM for Turning te dará también una idea del tiempo que te llevará completar cada sección de los test de práctica de Test de Autodesk Certified Associate in CAM for Turning . Es importante saber que el Simulador de Test de Autodesk Certified Associate in CAM for Turning no reemplaza las clásicas guías de estudio de Test de Autodesk Certified Associate in CAM for Turning ; aún así, el Simulador ofrece información útil sobre qué esperar y cuánto tendrás que practicar para estar preparado para el día del examen de Test de Autodesk Certified Associate in CAM for Turning .


Los test de práctica de Test de Autodesk Certified Associate in CAM for Turning representan una excelente herramienta para prepararte para el examen real junto con nuestros test de práctica de Certificacion Autodesk . Nuestro Simulador de Test de Autodesk Certified Associate in CAM for Turning te ayudará a evaluar tu nivel de preparación y a entender tus fortalezas y debilidades. Abajo puedes leer todos los test que encontrarás en nuestro simulador de Test de Autodesk Certified Associate in CAM for Turning y cómo nuestra base de datos de Test de Autodesk Certified Associate in CAM for Turning compone preguntas reales:

Información del test:

  • Nombre del test:Test de Autodesk Certified Associate in CAM for Turning
  • Número total de preguntas:264
  • Número de preguntas para el test:20
  • Puntuación de aprobado:80%
  • Número de temas:22 Temas
Temas de estudio:Número de preguntas:
  • Define CAM setup, machine, and stock - Define stock:12 Preguntas
  • Define CAM setup, machine, and stock - Specify the model, chuck, and safe Z for a given process:12 Preguntas
  • Define CAM setup, machine, and stock - Specify the WCS and spun profile:12 Preguntas
  • Documentation and output - Demonstrate how to create an NC program:12 Preguntas
  • Documentation and output - Interpret G-code to verify WCS and machine options:12 Preguntas
  • Documentation and output - Recall how to create Setup Sheets and the critical elements:12 Preguntas
  • Planning and setting up work - Demonstrate how to create and manage a tool library:12 Preguntas
  • Planning and setting up work - Demonstrate how to perform model prep:12 Preguntas
  • Planning and setting up work - Interpret a drawing/blueprint:12 Preguntas
  • Planning and setting up work - Recognize workholding requirements:12 Preguntas
  • Simulation and verification - Adjust toolpath settings based on simulation results:12 Preguntas
  • Simulation and verification - Identify how to determine tool collisions:12 Preguntas
  • Simulation and verification - Identify how to simulate toolpaths to verify stock:12 Preguntas
  • Simulation and verification - Identify toolpath statistics and information:12 Preguntas
  • Toolpath creation and optimization - Adjust toolpath parameters:12 Preguntas
  • Toolpath creation and optimization - Describe a parting toolpath:12 Preguntas
  • Toolpath creation and optimization - Determine an appropriate toolpath strategy:12 Preguntas
  • Toolpath creation and optimization - Prepare a Chamfer toolpath:12 Preguntas
  • Toolpath creation and optimization - Prepare external and internal threading toolpaths:12 Preguntas
  • Toolpath creation and optimization - Prepare Groove Toolpaths:12 Preguntas
  • Toolpath creation and optimization - Prepare on-center drilling and tapping toolpaths:12 Preguntas
  • Toolpath creation and optimization - Prepare Profile Rough and Finish toolpaths:12 Preguntas

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Nuestra aplicación móvil contiene todos los test de práctica de Test de Autodesk Certified Associate in CAM for Turning que consisten en 264 preguntas divididas por 22 temas y también ofrecen material de estudio para aprobar el examen final Test de Autodesk Certified Associate in CAM for Turning con éxito garantizado.