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Mass And Balance Details Of Aircraft
An aeroplane with a two wheel nose gear and four main wheels rests on the ground with a single nose wheel load of 500 kg and a single main wheel load of 6000 kg The distance between the nose wheels and the main wheels is 10 meter How far is the centre of gravity in front of the main wheels?
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25 cm.
40 cm.
41.6 cm.
4 meter.


Determination Of CG Position
The total mass of an aircraft is 3 927 kg and its CG is located at 4.28 m aft of the datum. The pilot-in-command wants to relocate the CG to 4.37 m aft of the datum by adding load at station 5.8 m aft of the datum. The mass of this load should be:
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1 bonne réponse
233 kg
62 kg
247 kg
81 kg


The actual Take-off Mass is equivalent to:
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1 bonne réponse
actual Zero Fuel Mass plus the Traffic Load.
Dry Operating Mass plus the take-off fuel.
actual Landing Mass plus the take-off fuel.
Dry Operating Mass plus take-off fuel and the Traffic Load.


Purpose Of Mass And Balance Considerations
The Centre of Gravity (CG) is positioned ahead of the forward limit due to an incorrect loading. Which of the mentioned consequences is likely to happen?
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There may be a tendency to over-pitch the aircraft during the flare just before landing.
The aircraft may become excessively manoeuvrable and beyond control.
The aircraft becomes excessively stable and requires larger control inputs.
There may be insufficient forward pitch control available to keep the aircraft level.


Cargo Handling
Which statement is correct about securing of TRAFFIC LOAD?
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The dangers regarding unsecured traffic load during rotation while taking-off include a forward movement of the centre of gravity (CG) outside of the CG limits but also any possibly damage to the bulkheads of the aircraft.
Containers and pallets can remain on rollers within tracks if they are secured by latches.
The traffic load must be restrained from moving throughout the whole flight, so that only previously calculated movements of the centre of gravity (CG) due to fuel burn can occur.
Unit load devices (ULD) must be restrained with straps to specific tie-down points in the floor of the cargo compartment.


Mass And Balance Details Of Aircraft
Who determines what items to include in the Dry Operating Mass (DOM)?
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The authority
The manufacturer
The commander
The operator


Determination Of CG Position
Given: Actual mass: 116 500 lb Station of original CG: 435.0 aft of the datum Station compartment A: 285.5 aft of the datum Station compartment B: 792.5 aft of the datum If 390 lb of cargo is moved from aft compartment B to forward compartment A, what is the station number of the new CG?
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The total mass limit of a light twin is equal to 3 200 lb. The pilot weighs 200 lb, the combined weight of the passengers is 650 lb. Assuming a dry operating mass of 1 742 lb, how much fuel can be loaded?
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1 bonne réponse
367 kg
367 lb
166 kg
808 kg


Purpose Of Mass And Balance Considerations
What is the effect of a forward CG on the time to reach cruising altitude?
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1 bonne réponse
A forward CG allows the selection of a higher cruising altitude, therefore increases the time to reach cruising altitude.
A forward CG decreases the maximum Rate of Climb and increases the time to reach cruising altitude.
A forward CG increases the maximum Rate of Climb and decreases the time to reach cruising altitude.
The CG position has no impact on the Rate of Climb.


Cargo Handling
Which of the following statements about cargo handling is correct?
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1 bonne réponse
Containers have a lighter weight structure when compared to pallets with the same floor dimension.
Containers can be used only in cargo aeroplanes, while pallets can also be used in passenger aeroplanes.
Containers provide better protection than pallets against damage to the cargo items.
Pallets offer better protection than containers against damage to the aeroplane caused by cargo items.
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Info quiz :

  • Nom du quiz :Examen de Licence ATPL (A) - MASSE ET ÉQUILIBRE
  • Nombre total de questions :626
  • Nombre de questions pour le test :100
  • Score de passage:70%
  • Nombre de sujets: 5 Sujets
Sujets d'étude :Nombre de questions :
  • Cargo Handling:40 Questions
  • Determination Of CG Position:176 Questions
  • Loading:192 Questions
  • Mass And Balance Details Of Aircraft:163 Questions
  • Purpose Of Mass And Balance Considerations:55 Questions

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