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General Requirements
According to the European Regulation on Air Operations, which of the following statements is correct regarding operations under IFR, or under VFR over routes that can NOT be navigated by reference to visual landmarks?
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Aircraft are only required to be equipped with one VOR and one ADF when area navigation is required.
Only one radio communication system is necessary under normal operating conditions to communicate with an appropriate ground station at any point on the route, including diversions.
Aircraft shall be equipped with radio communication and navigation equipment in accordance with the applicable airspace requirements.
Aircraft shall be equipped with one short-range and one long-range communication system.


Specialised Operations
What are the benefits of using the Head-Up Display (HUD) in an aircraft cockpit?
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Provides an indication of the runway position and displays autopilot modes.
Enables satellite communication and weather radar display.
Increases fuel efficiency and decreases engine wear.
Enhances passenger comfort and reduces cockpit workload.


Special Operational Procedures And Hazards (General Aspects)
How is the uncleared part of a contaminated runway reported in a SNOWTAM?
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In plain language at item T (the final paragraph) of a SNOWTAM.
It is not reported.
As a percentage of the total length of the runway available as the first item of a SNOWTAM.
By a four figure group added to item D, which gives the length in meters.


General Requirements
A halon fire-extinguisher should be used on a fire of:
1) paper, fabric, plastic
2) flammable liquids
3) flammable gases
4) metals The combination regrouping all the correct statements is:
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2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2, 4
1, 2, 3


Specialised Operations
You are conducting HEC with a person on the line. You are in an into wind OGE hover with a high power setting. Approximately 100 m in front of you are high power cables with supports. What is the best procedure to be used?
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Transition toward the cables as you will gain translational lift before the cable.
As have power in hand conduct OGE departure over the mid point between 2 supports.
Transition down the power lines until you have enough speed then cross at a support with adequate height for the load. 3
Hover taxy under wires next to a support ensuring load is clear of the ground and then transition away.


Special Operational Procedures And Hazards (General Aspects)
Refer to the image. What kind of dangerous goods is specified by the label? License LAPL (A) Operational Procedures Practice Exam LAPL - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence Test for Aeroplanes GB-LCN-LLR-LPPP-1714464634867 398852
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Organic peroxides.
Toxic substances.
Toxic gases.
Infectious substances.


General Requirements
According to the EU Regulation on Air Operations, when do aircraft need to be equipped with fasten seatbelt signs? In an aircraft…
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in which NOT all the passenger seats are visible from the flight crew seats.
in which cabin crew members are NOT required to be carried on board.
having a Maximum Certified Take-Off Mass in excess of 5 700 kg.
having a Maximum Operational Passenger Seating Configuration of more than 9 seats.


Specialised Operations
A helicopter is conducting HESLO in the mountains
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it must use a specialised sling.
It may have to reduce weight of load to achieve an OGE hover.
It must use a longer sling to maintain separartion
It is not permitted in mountainous conditions.


Special Operational Procedures And Hazards (General Aspects)
A list of dangerous goods, which may not be transported by air, can be found in:
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the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air.
Annex 6 to the Chicago Convention.
the shipper`s declaration for dangerous goods.
Annex 18 to the Chicago Convention.


General Requirements
An aeroplane pilot is taking a course of training to upgrade from Co-pilot to Commander.  This command course contains many elements, one of which is to complete....
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at least 10 hours training in an FSTD, which includes LOFT training.
at least 5 hours of training in an FSTD, followed by line training in the aeroplane.
line training under supervision, in an aeroplane, for at least 10 hours, including at least 5 flight sectors.
line training under supervision, in an aeroplane, for at least 10 flight sectors.
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The LAPL (A) Operational Procedures Practice Exam Simulator Practice Tests are part of the LAPL - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence Test for Aeroplanes Database and are the best way to prepare for any LAPL (A) Operational Procedures Practice Exam exam. The LAPL (A) Operational Procedures Practice Exam practice tests consist of 813 questions divided by 3 topics and are written by experts to help you and prepare you to pass the exam on the first attempt. The LAPL (A) Operational Procedures Practice Exam database includes questions from previous and other exams, which means you will be able to practice simulating past and future questions. Preparation with LAPL (A) Operational Procedures Practice Exam Simulator will also give you an idea of the time it will take to complete each section of the LAPL (A) Operational Procedures Practice Exam practice test . It is important to note that the LAPL (A) Operational Procedures Practice Exam Simulator does not replace the classic LAPL (A) Operational Procedures Practice Exam study guides; however, the Simulator provides valuable insights into what to expect and how much work needs to be done to prepare for the LAPL (A) Operational Procedures Practice Exam exam.


LAPL (A) Operational Procedures Practice Exam Practice test therefore represents an excellent tool to prepare for the actual exam together with our LAPL - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence Test for Aeroplanes practice test . Our LAPL (A) Operational Procedures Practice Exam Simulator will help you assess your level of preparation and understand your strengths and weaknesses. Below you can read all the quizzes you will find in our LAPL (A) Operational Procedures Practice Exam Simulator and how our unique LAPL (A) Operational Procedures Practice Exam Database made up of real questions:

Info quiz:

  • Quiz name:LAPL (A) Operational Procedures Practice Exam
  • Total number of questions:813
  • Number of questions for the test:100
  • Pass score:70%
  • Number of topics:3 Topics
Study topics:Number of questions:
  • General Requirements:639 Questions
  • Special Operational Procedures And Hazards (General Aspects):164 Questions
  • Specialised Operations:10 Questions

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Our Mobile App contains all LAPL (A) Operational Procedures Practice Exam practice tests which consist of 813 questions that are divided by 3 topics and also provide study material to pass the final LAPL (A) Operational Procedures Practice Exam exam with guaranteed success. Our LAPL (A) Operational Procedures Practice Exam database contain hundreds of questions and LAPL - Light Aircraft Pilot Licence Test for Aeroplanes Tests related to LAPL (A) Operational Procedures Practice Exam Exam. This way you can practice anywhere you want, even offline without the internet.