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Question 1/101/10
Auxiliary systems
Auxiliary systems
Auxiliary systems
What does the term "auxiliary systems" refer to in aircraft general knowledge?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Systems that are not essential for flight but provide additional functionality
Systems that are crucial for the operation and safety of the aircraft
Systems used only during emergencies
Systems related to passenger comfort
Auxiliary systems in aircraft refer to those that are not essential for basic flight operations but provide additional functions or services, such as entertainment systems or cabin lighting.
Right Answer: A
Question 2/102/10
Helicopter equipment
Helicopter equipment
Helicopter equipment
What is the purpose of a helicopter's tail rotor?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
To provide forward thrust
To assist in turning the aircraft
To increase lift
To control altitude
The tail rotor on a helicopter helps to counteract the torque produced by the main rotor, allowing the pilot to control the direction of the aircraft more effectively during flight. It is essential for maintaining stability and maneuverability in the air.
Right Answer: B
Question 3/103/10
Hydraulic systems
Hydraulic systems
Hydraulic systems
In an aircraft hydraulic system, what is the purpose of a reservoir?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
To cool the hydraulic fluid
To store hydraulic fluid and provide overflow protection
To pressurize the hydraulic system
To control the flow direction of the hydraulic fluid
The reservoir in an aircraft hydraulic system serves to store hydraulic fluid and provide overflow protection. It helps maintain a consistent level of hydraulic fluid in the system and prevents leaks or excess pressure buildup.
Right Answer: B
Question 4/104/10
Main engine components
Main engine components
Main engine components
Which of the following is not a main engine component of an aircraft?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Spark plug
The propeller is not considered a main engine component, as it is responsible for converting the engine's power into thrust. Main engine components include the carburetor, spark plug, and piston, which are essential for the combustion process within the engine.
Right Answer: D
Question 5/105/10
Nose wheel steering: design and operation
Nose wheel steering: design and operation
Nose wheel steering: design and operation
What is the primary purpose of nose wheel steering design?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
To assist with takeoff and landing
To provide directional control on the ground
To control the altitude of the aircraft
To navigate through turbulence
Nose wheel steering is designed to provide directional control on the ground, allowing the pilot to steer the aircraft during taxiing, takeoff, and landing.
Right Answer: B
Question 6/106/10
Rotor design
Rotor design
Rotor design
What is the purpose of rotor design in aircraft?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
To provide lift
To control speed
To enhance fuel efficiency
To improve passenger comfort
The primary purpose of rotor design in aircraft is to provide the necessary lift for the aircraft to take off and stay airborne. The design of the rotor blades, their shape, length, and angles all contribute to generating the required lift for the aircraft to operate efficiently in flight.
Right Answer: A
Question 7/107/10
Auxiliary systems
Auxiliary systems
Auxiliary systems
What is the purpose of a voltage regulator in an aircraft electrical system?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
To control the flow of electricity
To maintain a constant voltage output
To generate electricity
To store excess electricity
A voltage regulator in an aircraft electrical system is responsible for maintaining a constant voltage output to ensure that the electrical components receive the appropriate level of power needed for operation. This is crucial for the safety and efficiency of the aircraft's electrical system.
Right Answer: B
Question 8/108/10
Helicopter equipment
Helicopter equipment
Helicopter equipment
In a helicopter, what is the purpose of the main rotor?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Provide thrust
Generate lift
Control direction
Stabilize the aircraft
The main rotor on a helicopter is responsible for generating lift, allowing the aircraft to become airborne and stay aloft.
Right Answer: B
Question 9/109/10
Hydraulic systems
Hydraulic systems
Hydraulic systems
What is the function of a hydraulic pump in an aircraft hydraulic system?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
To regulate the pressure of the hydraulic fluid
To convert mechanical energy into hydraulic energy
To control the flow direction of the hydraulic fluid
To measure the temperature of the hydraulic fluid
The hydraulic pump in an aircraft hydraulic system is responsible for converting mechanical energy into hydraulic energy. It pressurizes the hydraulic fluid, enabling it to power various components such as landing gear, brakes, and flight control surfaces.
Right Answer: B
Question 10/1010/10
Main engine components
Main engine components
Main engine components
Which component is responsible for mixing air and fuel in the engine?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Spark plug
The carburetor is responsible for combining air and fuel in the correct ratio before entering the engine cylinders for combustion. This ensures that the engine operates efficiently and produces the necessary power for the aircraft to operate.
PPL (A) Aircraft General Knowledge Practice Exam Practice test unlocks all online simulator questions
Thank you for choosing the free version of the PPL (A) Aircraft General Knowledge Practice Exam practice test! Further deepen your knowledge on PPL - Private Pilot License Test for Aeroplanes Simulator; by unlocking the full version of our PPL (A) Aircraft General Knowledge Practice Exam Simulator you will be able to take tests with over 240 constantly updated questions and easily pass your exam. 98% of people pass the exam in the first attempt after preparing with our 240 questions.
What to expect from our PPL (A) Aircraft General Knowledge Practice Exam practice tests and how to prepare for any exam?
The PPL (A) Aircraft General Knowledge Practice Exam Simulator Practice Tests are part of the PPL - Private Pilot License Test for Aeroplanes Database and are the best way to prepare for any PPL (A) Aircraft General Knowledge Practice Exam exam. The PPL (A) Aircraft General Knowledge Practice Exam practice tests consist of 240 questions divided by 6 topics and are written by experts to help you and prepare you to pass the exam on the first attempt. The PPL (A) Aircraft General Knowledge Practice Exam database includes questions from previous and other exams, which means you will be able to practice simulating past and future questions. Preparation with PPL (A) Aircraft General Knowledge Practice Exam Simulator will also give you an idea of the time it will take to complete each section of the PPL (A) Aircraft General Knowledge Practice Exam practice test . It is important to note that the PPL (A) Aircraft General Knowledge Practice Exam Simulator does not replace the classic PPL (A) Aircraft General Knowledge Practice Exam study guides; however, the Simulator provides valuable insights into what to expect and how much work needs to be done to prepare for the PPL (A) Aircraft General Knowledge Practice Exam exam.
PPL (A) Aircraft General Knowledge Practice Exam Practice test therefore represents an excellent tool to prepare for the actual exam together with our PPL - Private Pilot License Test for Aeroplanes practice test . Our PPL (A) Aircraft General Knowledge Practice Exam Simulator will help you assess your level of preparation and understand your strengths and weaknesses. Below you can read all the quizzes you will find in our PPL (A) Aircraft General Knowledge Practice Exam Simulator and how our unique PPL (A) Aircraft General Knowledge Practice Exam Database made up of real questions:
Info quiz:
Quiz name:PPL (A) Aircraft General Knowledge Practice Exam
Total number of questions:240
Number of questions for the test:100
Pass score:70%
Number of topics:6 Topics
Study topics:Number of questions:
Auxiliary systems:40 Questions
Helicopter equipment:40 Questions
Hydraulic systems:40 Questions
Main engine components:40 Questions
Nose wheel steering: design and operation:40 Questions
Rotor design:40 Questions
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Our Mobile App contains all PPL (A) Aircraft General Knowledge Practice Exam practice tests which consist of 240 questions that are divided by 6 topics and also provide study material to pass the final PPL (A) Aircraft General Knowledge Practice Exam exam with guaranteed success.
Our PPL (A) Aircraft General Knowledge Practice Exam database contain hundreds of questions and PPL - Private Pilot License Test for Aeroplanes Tests related to PPL (A) Aircraft General Knowledge Practice Exam Exam. This way you can practice anywhere you want, even offline without the internet.