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Nursing Numeracy Test - What To Know Before You Take Exam?

Nursing Numeracy Test


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Study Guide & Tips to solve the Numeracy Test for Nursing questions on the 1st Try

7 min. 26/10/2022 26/10/2022

Are you a nursing student who is about to take the nursing numeracy test? If so, you are probably feeling a bit nervous. Don’t worry, though! We are here to help. If you are looking to become a nurse in the United Kingdom, you will need to pass the numeracy test for nursing. This test is designed to measure your ability to use numbers and mathematical concepts in nursing practice. For example, you will need to be able to calculate drug dosages, understand basic statistical concepts, and interpret data from nursing research.

The numeracy test is a requirement for nursing registration in the United Kingdom. The test must be taken before you can start your nursing program. There are two parts to the nursing test. In this study guide, we will provide you with all the information you need to know about the numeracy test. We will discuss topics such as the format of the test, what types of questions you will be asked, and how to prepare for the exam. Good luck!

What is the nursing numeracy test?

This image is related to the nursing numeracy test in the United Kingdom

The nursing numeracy test is a test that nursing students must take in order to ensure that they have the necessary mathematical skills to perform their duties effectively. The test covers a range of topics, including basic arithmetic, algebra, and geometry. Nursing students must score a passing grade on the nursing numerical test in order to be admitted to nursing school. In addition, nursing students must complete the nursing test before they can take the NCLEX-RN exam, which is required for licensure as a registered nurse. The nursing numerical test is an important part of ensuring that nursing students have the skills they need to be successful in their careers.

What are the prerequisites to take the numeracy test for nursing?

Nursing students must have completed high school before they can take the nursing numeracy test. In addition, nursing students must complete a nursing program that is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) or the National League for Nursing Accreditation Commission (NLNAC).

Who administrates the nursing numerical test in the United Kingdom?

The nursing numerical test is administered by the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom, with the help of Pearson Vue. The NHS is a publicly funded healthcare system that provides universal healthcare coverage to all residents of the United Kingdom.

What is the format of the nursing numerical test?

The nursing numerical test consists of 15 multiple-choice questions. The questions are divided into five sections, each of which covers a different maths topic. The sections are as follows:

Arithmetic - Nursing numeracy test

In this section, you will be asked questions about basic arithmetic, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Algebra - Numeracy test for nursing

In this section, you will be asked questions about basic algebra, including solving equations and graphing linear equations.

Geometry - Nursing numerical test

In this section, you will be asked questions about basic geometry, including identifying shapes and calculating areas and perimeters.

Statistics - Nursing numerical test

In this section, you will be asked questions about basic statistical concepts, such as mean, median, mode, and range.

Research - Nursing numerical exam

In this section, you will be asked questions about nursing research, including interpreting data from nursing research studies.

What types of questions will I be asked on the nursing numerical test?

The nursing numerical test is a multiple-choice test, which means that you will be given a list of possible answers, and you will need to select the correct answer. Some questions on the test will require you to use a calculator. You will be given a scientific calculator for the test, but you are not allowed to use a graphing calculator.

Which numeracy skills does a candidate need for nursing?

A nursing candidate needs excellent numeracy skills. They need to be able to understand and interpret numerical data. In addition, nursing candidates need to be able to perform calculations quickly and accurately. Nursing candidates also need to be able to understand and use statistical concepts.

How much time do I have to complete the nursing numerical test?

You will have 30 minutes to complete the nursing numerical test. This includes time for you to read the instructions and questions, and select your answers.

How did the score of the nursing numeracy test is determined?

Your nursing numeracy test score is determined by the number of questions that you answer correctly. There is no penalty for guessing, so you should select an answer for every question even if you are not sure which answer is correct. Moreover, the numeracy test is not curved, which means that the score you receive is not determined by how well other candidates do on the test.

What is a passing score on the nursing numerical test?

A passing score on the numerical test is 70%. This means that you must answer at least 10 out of the 15 questions correctly in order to pass the test.

What should I do if I don’t pass the nursing numeric test?

If you don’t pass the numeracy test, you can retake the test. The NHS offers retakes for a fee. You can also review your answers and study the topics that you struggled with in order to prepare for the retake.

How much does a numeracy test for nursing cost?

The nursing numerical test costs around £80. This fee is paid to the NHS when you register for the test. The numeracy test for nursing is part A of the nursing registration process.

When can I take the nursing numerical test?

The nursing numerical test is offered on a regular basis throughout the year. You can check the NHS website for the most up-to-date information on testing dates and locations.

What is the nursing numeric test pass rate?

The numerical test has a pass rate of approximately 80%. This means that 8 out of 10 candidates who take the test pass it.

What are the benefits of taking the nursing numerical test?

The nursing numeracy test is a requirement for nursing registration in the United Kingdom. Passing the numeracy test demonstrates that you have the numeracy skills necessary to be a successful nurse. In addition, the numerical test is an opportunity for you to show potential employers that you have the skills needed to excel in a nursing role.

Procedure to take the nursing numeracy test

As it is part of the nursing registration process in the United Kingdom, the numeracy test is taken by the nursing candidates. The nursing numerical test is offered on a regular basis throughout the year by National Health Service (NHS)with the help of Pearson Vue.

For taking this exam, the nursing candidates must:

  • Be a nursing student in the United Kingdom

  • Have a valid credit/debit card

  • Pay an exam fee of around £80 to the National Health Service (NHS)

  • Schedule an appointment with Pearson Vue

  • Appear for the exam on the scheduled date and time

  • Achieve a score of 70% or above to pass the nursing test

Here is the image for the numeracy test for nursing in the United Kingdom

What are some numeracy test tips?

Some nursing numeracy test tips include:

  • Review the types of questions that will be on the test.

  • Familiarize yourself with the format of the test.

  • Practice answering questions under timed conditions.

  • Understand the concepts that will be tested like, fractions, decimals, and percentages.

  • Use a scientific calculator to become comfortable with the functions that will be available during the test.

  • Practice using a nursing conversion chart.

  • Review common nursing abbreviations.

  • Read the questions carefully and select the best answer.

The Best Way to Prepare for the Nursing Numeracy Test

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The best way to prepare for the nursing numeracy test depends on your learning style and the amount of time that you have to prepare. However, there are many resources like numeracy test books, nursing numerical test practice tests, and nursing numerical tests online courses that can help you prepare for the test.

But the best way to prepare for the nursing numerical test is to understand the concepts that will be tested, review the types of questions that will be on the test, and practice answering questions under timed conditions. The practice tests of the “Easy-Quizzz” nursing numeracy exam series can help you with all of these things.

The nursing numeracy practice tests are designed to provide you with an understanding of the nursing test content and structure, as well as the types of questions that you can expect to see on the test. In addition, the nursing numeracy practice tests will help you build your test-taking confidence and improve your time management skills.


In this study guide, we have discussed the nursing numeracy test, pass rate, benefits, tips to prepare for the test, and the best way to prepare for the numeracy test. We also let you know the best resource “Easy-Quizzz”, that can help you crack the numerical test. Because we want you to be a registered nurse in the United Kingdom. So, a numeracy exam should not be a hindrance in your nursing journey. So, what are you waiting for? Get started with your nursing numerical test preparation today!
