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Question 1/101/10
Client Relationships
Client Relationships
Client Relationships
Two chefs - Sam and Thomas - and three sous-chefs - Uma, Victor and Winona - work at an Italian restaurant. The restaurant is open every week, Monday through Saturday. On each of the six days the restaurant is open, exactly one chef and one sous-chef work together in the kitchen. Each chef works exactly three days a week and each sous-chef works exactly two days a week, in accordance with the following restrictions:
Each of the two chefs gets a day off after every work day.
Thomas and Victor cannot both work on the same day.
Winona never works on Mondays and Fridays.
Sam works with Winona exactly once a week.
If the condition that 'Sam works with Winona exactly once a week' is replaced with 'Winona works only with Thomas', which statement must be true?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
inona works on Tuesday or Saturday, but not on both.
Victor works on Monday and Wednesday.
Uma works on two consecutive days.
Thomas does not work on Wednesday.
Sam does not work on Monday.
If the condition that 'Sam works with Winona exactly once a week' is replaced with 'Winona works only with Thomas', then it must be true that Thomas does not work on Wednesday. This is because if Winona and Thomas both worked on Wednesday, then Sam would have to work with Winona twice in one week, which is not allowed. Therefore, option D is the only valid statement.
Right Answer: D
Question 2/102/10
Assessment and Diagnosis
Assessment and Diagnosis
Assessment and Diagnosis
There are four famous topical pictures in a museum: scenery, a kitchen, a park, and oranges.
The paintings were painted by Jones, Smith, Hardy, and Lane. The scenery painting is hanging next to Smith's painting.
The scenery painting also hangs between the park and Hardy's painting.
Jones didn't paint the scenery or the oranges.
Which statement must be true?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Jones painted the kitchen.
Smith painted the scenery.
Hardy painted the Park.
Lane painted the kitchen.
None of the above.
Since Jones didn't paint the scenery or the oranges, he must have painted the kitchen. Therefore, statement A is true and all other statements are false.
Right Answer: A
Question 3/103/10
Ethical Dilemmas
Ethical Dilemmas
Ethical Dilemmas
James, Ray, Eric and Charles are playing a gambling game.
James and Ray have a secret agreement for immediately splitting both wins and losses between themselves.
Eric owes Charles some money which immediately entitles Charles to any money Eric makes above his initial amount.
Each player has £100 at the beginning of the game.
Each round every player places a bet of £25 and there is only one winner.
After four rounds Charles has £150, and James has £100.
Which statement must be true?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Ray won at least one round.
Charles won one round, at most.
Eric won the third round.
Charles won exactly two rounds.
Eric won exactly two rounds.
Since Charles has £150 and James has £100, it is certain that Charles won at least one round. However, since James and Ray have a secret agreement to immediately split both wins and losses between themselves, it is not possible for Charles to have won more than one round. Therefore, statement B is true and all other statements are false.
Right Answer: B
Question 4/104/10
Interprofessional Collaboration
Interprofessional Collaboration
Interprofessional Collaboration
Four married couples - the Gordons, the Hindlers, the Ilgors and the Jareds - are the only guests in a hotel. Each couple consists of one man and one woman. Some hotel guests are signing up for a trip to the Grand Canyon offered by a travel agency.
The following rules are known about the participants of the trip:
When a woman signs up, her spouse signs up too.
At least two men and one woman are signed up.
Mr Gordon is signed up only if Mrs Jared is signed up.
If Mr and Mrs Gordon are signed up, then Mrs Hindler is not signed up.
Exactly three men and two women are signed up for the trip; which statement must be true?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Mr. Ilgor must be signed up for the trip.
Mr. Jared must be signed up for the trip.
Mrs. Hindler must be signed up for the trip.
Mrs. Gordon must be signed up for the trip.
Mrs. Jared must be signed up for the trip.
Since there are exactly three men and two women signed up for the trip, it is certain that one of the men must be signed up. Since Mr. Gordon is signed up only if Mrs. Jared is signed up, and since Mrs. Jared must be signed up for the trip, it follows that Mr. Jared must also be signed up. Therefore, statement B is true and all other statements are false.
Right Answer: B
Question 5/105/10
Supervision and Consultation
Supervision and Consultation
Supervision and Consultation
A chef has to pick four fruits out of the following seven to make a fruit salad: figs, guavas, honeydews, kiwis, mangos, nectarines and papayas.
Papaya can be selected only if kiwi is selected.
Figs can be selected only if nectarines are selected.
Either mangos or nectarines must be selected, but never both.
Either papaya or honeydew must be selected, but never both.
If the salad does not contain kiwi, which statement must be true?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Mangos must be in the salad.
Nectarines must not be in the salad.
Honeydew must be in the salad.
Papaya must be in the salad.
Figs must be in the salad.
Answer (c) is the correct one.
Honeydew must be in the salad.
The given conditions state that if kiwi is not selected, then papaya cannot be selected either. This means that honeydew must be selected as it is the only other option available. The other choices are incorrect because they do not take into account all of the given conditions.
Right Answer: C
Question 6/106/10
SHL Deductive
SHL Deductive
SHL Deductive
When did the patient visit the clinic?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
June 25th, February 1st, April 18th
January 13th, August 2nd
February 1st, February 4th, April 18th
August 2nd, February 4th, June 25th, April 18th
February 4th, January 13th, August 2nd
By examining the 1st and 2nd columns, we can see that a code of 1 indicates a patient has visited the clinic. The Medical log reveals that the patient visited the clinic on February 1st, April 18th, and June 25th, which is confirmed by all three codes starting with 1.
Right Answer: A
Question 7/107/10
Client Relationships
Client Relationships
Client Relationships
A day of national mourning is a day marked by mourning and memorial activities observed among the majority of a country's populace. Most are designated by the nation's government. Sociologists claim that national mourning is both a symbolic political gesture as well as a meaningful expression of grief. On the one hand, predetermined mourning days reflect and create a national community, united in a feeling of sorrow. On the other hand, many mourning days instigated by the people, such as the day of Princess Diana’s funeral, reflect a spontaneous outbreak of pure grief manifested in the closing of shops and banks, the postponement of sports events, and the cancellation of theatre and cinema performances. Although the fervour of the mourning can differ dramatically from one country to another, there is no doubt that a day of collective grief is beneficial to national unity.
Which one of the following would best replace “fervour” while maintaining the meaning of the passage?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Right Answer: A
Question 8/108/10
Assessment and Diagnosis
Assessment and Diagnosis
Assessment and Diagnosis
“BMI (body-mass index) is a cheap and cheerful way of getting a handle on whether or not you might be overweight. The alternatives are rather more complicated and expensive. You can go for an MRI scan or a dexa scan and those will measure your whole body fat, but that really is using a sledgehammer to crack a nut. BMI does separate those people who are normal from those who are obese and there is some area of uncertainty in the middle.”Tim Cole, Professor of Medical Statistics at University College London “The body-mass index that the National Health Service counts on to assess obesity is a bizarre measure. We live in a three-dimensional world, yet the BMI is defined as weight divided by height squared. It was invented in the 1840s, before calculators, when a formula had to be very simple and usable. As a consequence of this ill-founded definition, millions of short people think they are thinner than they are, and millions of tall people think they are fatter.” Nick Trefethen, Professor of numerical analysis, University of Oxford
According to Tim Cole, what are two of the benefits of the BMI?A.Cheap B.Quick C.Accurate D.Accessible
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Right Answer: A
Question 9/109/10
Self-Care and Well-being
Self-Care and Well-being
Self-Care and Well-being
A day of national mourning is a day marked by mourning and memorial activities observed among most a country's populace. Most are designated by the nation's government. Sociologists claim that national mourning is both a symbolic political gesture and a meaningful expression of grief. On the one hand, predetermined mourning days reflect and create a national community, united in a feeling of sorrow. On the other hand, many mourning days instigated by the people, such as Princess Diana’s funeral, reflect a spontaneous outbreak of pure grief manifested in the closing of shops and banks, the postponement of sports events, and the cancellation of theatre and cinema performances. Although the mourning's fervour can differ dramatically from one country to another, there is no doubt that a day of collective grief is beneficial to national unity.
What activity is most likely to be accomplished on a day of national mourning?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Buying a new dress
Attending a football game
Taking out a loan
Visiting the doctor
Right Answer: D
Question 10/1010/10
Treatment Planning and Intervention
Treatment Planning and Intervention
Treatment Planning and Intervention
New research suggests that playing a musical instrument improves symptoms of ADHD, a neurobehavioural disorder manifested in problems such as short attention span, impulsive behaviour and hyperactivity. For more than a year, children at the city's Museum School have been taking part in an experiment involving Gamelan, a percussion style of ensemble music from Indonesia that emphasises synchronicity. Sensors attached to the instruments monitored the children's ability to hit the beat precisely. A correlation was found between the children's ability to synchronise and ADHD symptoms. What this could mean is that musical practice could possibly become a non-pharmacological intervention for problems such as ADHD.
Children with ADHD who took part in the experiment experienced symptom relief.
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
True on the basis of the passage
False on the basis of the passage
Not possible to say if the statement is true or false on the basis of the passage
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The Situational Judgement Test Clinical Psychology Simulator Practice Tests are part of the Literacy Test Database and are the best way to prepare for any Situational Judgement Test Clinical Psychology exam. The Situational Judgement Test Clinical Psychology practice tests consist of 338 questions divided by 8 topics and are written by experts to help you and prepare you to pass the exam on the first attempt. The Situational Judgement Test Clinical Psychology database includes questions from previous and other exams, which means you will be able to practice simulating past and future questions. Preparation with Situational Judgement Test Clinical Psychology Simulator will also give you an idea of the time it will take to complete each section of the Situational Judgement Test Clinical Psychology practice test . It is important to note that the Situational Judgement Test Clinical Psychology Simulator does not replace the classic Situational Judgement Test Clinical Psychology study guides; however, the Simulator provides valuable insights into what to expect and how much work needs to be done to prepare for the Situational Judgement Test Clinical Psychology exam.
Situational Judgement Test Clinical Psychology Practice test therefore represents an excellent tool to prepare for the actual exam together with our Literacy Test practice test . Our Situational Judgement Test Clinical Psychology Simulator will help you assess your level of preparation and understand your strengths and weaknesses. Below you can read all the quizzes you will find in our Situational Judgement Test Clinical Psychology Simulator and how our unique Situational Judgement Test Clinical Psychology Database made up of real questions:
Info quiz:
Quiz name:Situational Judgement Test Clinical Psychology
Total number of questions:338
Number of questions for the test:50
Pass score:80%
Number of topics:8 Topics
Study topics:Number of questions:
Assessment and Diagnosis:98 Questions
Client Relationships:34 Questions
Ethical Dilemmas:56 Questions
Interprofessional Collaboration:20 Questions
Self-Care and Well-being:25 Questions
SHL Deductive:35 Questions
Supervision and Consultation:35 Questions
Treatment Planning and Intervention:35 Questions
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Our Mobile App contains all Situational Judgement Test Clinical Psychology practice tests which consist of 338 questions that are divided by 8 topics and also provide study material to pass the final Situational Judgement Test Clinical Psychology exam with guaranteed success.
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