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Verbal Reasoning
Under what circumstances might a therapist be required to breach client confidentiality?
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If the client reveals intentions to harm themselves or others
If the client discusses personal issues that do not involve any legal concerns
If the therapist is legally mandated to report certain information, such as child abuse
If the therapist believes the client is not making progress in therapy


Verbal Reasoning
Psychotherapists recognize that the law is generally in place to uphold client-therapist confidentiality. However, there are situations that may occur where the therapist is under obligation to break that confidence. This obligation can vary depending upon where the therapist is practicing and it may occur as a result of their employment contract or of the law. Where such an issue does occur, the therapist is expected to firstly try and discuss the presenting issue with their client. However, in situations where the factors under consideration are particularly urgent, it is accepted that this cannot always be the case. Legitimate breaches of confidentiality relate to circumstances where the information the client has shared relates to acts of terrorism; information of this nature must be reported. There are other circumstances where breaching confidentiality may be considered legitimate, for example, in the case of serious crime or suspected child abuse. Individual employers and independent therapists have their own boundaries but must agree on this contractually with their clients at the outset of the therapeutic relationship. When a client reports their involvement in an act of terrorism, their therapist is legally obliged to report this.
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Verbal Reasoning
Psychotherapists recognize that the law is generally in place to uphold client-therapist confidentiality. However, there are situations that may occur where the therapist is under obligation to break that confidence. This obligation can vary depending upon where the therapist is practicing and it may occur as a result of their employment contract or of the law. Where such an issue does occur, the therapist is expected to firstly try and discuss the presenting issue with their client. However, in situations where the factors under consideration are particularly urgent, it is accepted that this cannot always be the case. Legitimate breaches of confidentiality relate to circumstances where the information the client has shared relates to acts of terrorism; information of this nature must be reported. There are other circumstances where breaching confidentiality may be considered legitimate, for example, in the case of serious crime or suspected child abuse. Individual employers and independent therapists have their own boundaries but must agree on this contractually with their clients at the outset of the therapeutic relationship. Therapists have some flexibility regarding what they deem serious enough to lead them to breach confidentiality.
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Verbal Reasoning
Psychotherapists recognize that the law is generally in place to uphold client-therapist confidentiality. However, there are situations that may occur where the therapist is under obligation to break that confidence. This obligation can vary depending upon where the therapist is practicing and it may occur as a result of their employment contract or of the law. Where such an issue does occur, the therapist is expected to firstly try and discuss the presenting issue with their client. However, in situations where the factors under consideration are particularly urgent, it is accepted that this cannot always be the case. Legitimate breaches of confidentiality relate to circumstances where the information the client has shared relates to acts of terrorism; information of this nature must be reported. There are other circumstances where breaching confidentiality may be considered legitimate, for example, in the case of serious crime or suspected child abuse. Individual employers and independent therapists have their own boundaries but must agree on this contractually with their clients at the outset of the therapeutic relationship. Most therapists agree with the conditions the law places on them relating to breaching client confidentiality.
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Verbal Reasoning
Psychotherapists recognize that the law is generally in place to uphold client-therapist confidentiality. However, there are situations that may occur where the therapist is under obligation to break that confidence. This obligation can vary depending upon where the therapist is practicing and it may occur as a result of their employment contract or of the law. Where such an issue does occur, the therapist is expected to firstly try and discuss the presenting issue with their client. However, in situations where the factors under consideration are particularly urgent, it is accepted that this cannot always be the case. Legitimate breaches of confidentiality relate to circumstances where the information the client has shared relates to acts of terrorism; information of this nature must be reported. There are other circumstances where breaching confidentiality may be considered legitimate, for example, in the case of serious crime or suspected child abuse. Individual employers and independent therapists have their own boundaries but must agree on this contractually with their clients at the outset of the therapeutic relationship. If a therapist breaches confidentiality about a serious issue without first informing their client of their intentions, they are breaking the law.
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Verbal Reasoning
Engineering research centers (ERCs) were first established in this country in the middle of the 1980s with the direct intention of fostering improved Research and Development collaboration between universities, industry, and the government. Unlike similar engineering research initiatives that preceded ERCs, they were introduced with a broad remit; their focus was on changing the conduct of academic engineering research and education as well as pre-competitive generic research. The key focus was on innovation in next-generation technology advances at the intersection of disciplines. It was recognized that universities were often the only places that had sufficient engineering knowledge to be able to deliver the level of research that was required to support such objectives. The results of the research were intended to be useful to the industry but with a longer-term view than other research. Another direct outcome of the ERCs was that university graduates would, in theory, be better prepared to commence work in an engineering environment. As time went on the next generation of ERCs went one step further and encouraged collaboration across universities and had a direct focus on the younger generation of students with a leaning towards engineering - not just those who were already studying at the universities in question. The third generation of ERCs was implemented in 2008 and was created to cope with an increasingly global economy and also a reduction in student interest in sciences and engineering. It has long been recognised that industry leads the way in furthering innovative engineering research.
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Verbal Reasoning
Engineering research centers (ERCs) were first established in this country in the middle of the 1980s with the direct intention of fostering improved Research and Development collaboration between universities, industry, and the government. Unlike similar engineering research initiatives that preceded ERCs, they were introduced with a broad remit; their focus was on changing the conduct of academic engineering research and education as well as pre-competitive generic research. The key focus was on innovation in next-generation technology advances at the intersection of disciplines. It was recognized that universities were often the only places that had sufficient engineering knowledge to be able to deliver the level of research that was required to support such objectives. The results of the research were intended to be useful to the industry but with a longer-term view than other research. Another direct outcome of the ERCs was that university graduates would, in theory, be better prepared to commence work in an engineering environment. As time went on the next generation of ERCs went one step further and encouraged collaboration across universities and had a direct focus on the younger generation of students with a leaning towards engineering - not just those who were already studying at the universities in question. The third generation of ERCs was implemented in 2008 and was created to cope with an increasingly global economy and also a reduction in student interest in sciences and engineering. ERCs have been used to try and advance technology across multiple disciplines.
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Verbal Reasoning
Engineering research centers (ERCs) were first established in this country in the middle of the 1980s with the direct intention of fostering improved Research and Development collaboration between universities, industry, and the government. Unlike similar engineering research initiatives that preceded ERCs, they were introduced with a broad remit; their focus was on changing the conduct of academic engineering research and education as well as pre-competitive generic research. The key focus was on innovation in next-generation technology advances at the intersection of disciplines. It was recognized that universities were often the only places that had sufficient engineering knowledge to be able to deliver the level of research that was required to support such objectives. The results of the research were intended to be useful to the industry but with a longer-term view than other research. Another direct outcome of the ERCs was that university graduates would, in theory, be better prepared to commence work in an engineering environment. As time went on the next generation of ERCs went one step further and encouraged collaboration across universities and had a direct focus on the younger generation of students with a leaning towards engineering - not just those who were already studying at the universities in question. The third generation of ERCs was implemented in 2008 and was created to cope with an increasingly global economy and also a reduction in student interest in sciences and engineering. ERCs have failed to recognise that universities could work more collaboratively with one another.
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Verbal Reasoning
Engineering research centers (ERCs) were first established in this country in the middle of the 1980s with the direct intention of fostering improved Research and Development collaboration between universities, industry, and the government. Unlike similar engineering research initiatives that preceded ERCs, they were introduced with a broad remit; their focus was on changing the conduct of academic engineering research and education as well as pre-competitive generic research. The key focus was on innovation in next-generation technology advances at the intersection of disciplines. It was recognized that universities were often the only places that had sufficient engineering knowledge to be able to deliver the level of research that was required to support such objectives. The results of the research were intended to be useful to the industry but with a longer-term view than other research. Another direct outcome of the ERCs was that university graduates would, in theory, be better prepared to commence work in an engineering environment. As time went on the next generation of ERCs went one step further and encouraged collaboration across universities and had a direct focus on the younger generation of students with a leaning towards engineering - not just those who were already studying at the universities in question. The third generation of ERCs was implemented in 2008 and was created to cope with an increasingly global economy and also a reduction in student interest in sciences and engineering. The global economy has had a significant positive impact on the success we have seen in engineering research.
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Verbal Reasoning
Engineering research centers (ERCs) were first established in this country in the middle of the 1980s with the direct intention of fostering improved Research and Development collaboration between universities, industry, and the government. Unlike similar engineering research initiatives that preceded ERCs, they were introduced with a broad remit; their focus was on changing the conduct of academic engineering research and education as well as pre-competitive generic research. The key focus was on innovation in next-generation technology advances at the intersection of disciplines. It was recognized that universities were often the only places that had sufficient engineering knowledge to be able to deliver the level of research that was required to support such objectives. The results of the research were intended to be useful to the industry but with a longer-term view than other research. Another direct outcome of the ERCs was that university graduates would, in theory, be better prepared to commence work in an engineering environment. As time went on the next generation of ERCs went one step further and encouraged collaboration across universities and had a direct focus on the younger generation of students with a leaning towards engineering - not just those who were already studying at the universities in question. The third generation of ERCs was implemented in 2008 and was created to cope with an increasingly global economy and also a reduction in student interest in sciences and engineering. During the 1980s students were becoming less interested in science and engineering.
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  • Quiz name:Civil Service Verbal practice test
  • Total number of questions:543
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  • Number of topics:1 Topics
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  • Verbal Reasoning:543 Questions

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