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Question 1/101/10
Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution
You and your partner respond to a reported shooting on the street. As you arrive, you try to arrest the suspected shooter. Your partner tries to handcuff the suspect, but he pushes him away. You then try to grab the suspect, but he punches you in the face. Eventually, your partner manages to handcuff him. As you take the suspect to the car, your partner punches him in the stomach.
How would you respond?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
After you get the suspect to the station, tell your partner he shouldn't have punched him and that he should report it or you will.
Continue the arrest as usual. Your partner was probably trying to neutralise the suspect as he refused arrest again and again.
These things happen. Don't talk about it but include the incident in your report.
Talk to your partner about his behaviour. Tell him that if he does omething like this again, you will have to report him.
In this question you're faced with a situation where you and your partner were involved in an altercation. When a suspect was arrested, your partner assaulted him. You've been assigned to investigate the assault. While you're investigating, you see your partner assaulting another person. You know that if you do nothing, your partner will continue to assault people. What should you do?
Right Answer: A
Question 2/102/10
Communication and Interpersonal Skills
Communication and Interpersonal Skills
Communication and Interpersonal Skills
You are patrolling the neighbourhood when a woman approaches you and says she found a baseball bat covered with blood on the street under a bridge nearby. You ask the woman for identification, but she says, "I'm sorry, I really have to go to work. I'm already running late."
What is the best response to the situation?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Ask her if there were security cameras around the scene which you could use instead of her testimony.
Remind her that she is talking to the police and should cooperate.
Explain to the woman that it's very important you have her contact details and that it will only take a few minutes.
Promise her that she won't get into trouble for helping the police.
Ask her why she was walking under that bridge.
This scenario presents a problem in which a witness who discovered possible evidence of a crime refused to cooperate with you. Your job is to get this person's details. Response A shows an attitude of passivity towards the witness. You fail to persist in your efforts to get the witness's information. Security camera footage could prove useful, but you may need the witness to make a statement as to what they saw. Response B is too aggressive. Remember, you're dealing with a witness, not the suspect of the crime. They don't have to cooperate; your job is to convince them to do so. Response C is the best option. You can persuade the witness to cooperate by explaining the importance of their cooperation. You can reassure them that it won't take long and that they'll only have to answer questions. Response D is condescending. By assuming that the witness is worried about being accused of something, you may actually cause the witness to worry even more. Response E is insulting. You've already gathered enough information to know that the witness is not the suspect of the alleged crime. At this point, you should focus on convincing the witness to help you solve the case.
Right Answer: C
Question 3/103/10
Public Safety and Risk Management
Public Safety and Risk Management
Public Safety and Risk Management
You respond to the scene of a car accident that involves people with serious injuries. The accident occurred on a bridge, right on a sharp curve in the road. It is dark and raining heavily. Despite the time of day, cars are occasionally passing by.
Order the following responses from the first action you should take (1) to the last action you should take (4).
1. Ask for additional police officers to arrive at the scene.
2. Place flares at the curve and warning signs just before it.
3. Help the injured
4. Write a report including everything that happened before you forget any crucial details.
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
In this question, notice some key factors in the scene: there are serious injuries; the location is dangerous; and the weather is bad. These prompt poor visual conditions. Since we know there are serious injuries, a backup plan is needed (A). To ensure a successful backup, you should make the phone call as soon as possible (B). Considering the poor visual conditions, placing flares and warning signs around the scene is the next step (C). Once the scene is secure, helping the injured is the priority (D). You should not handle the report because it does not help anyone's safety.
Right Answer: A
Question 4/104/10
Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
You are off-duty tonight. You met with some friends and had some drinks. As you are walking home, you notice two men messing with the lock on a closed shop's door.
What would you do?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Call the station and report the incident.
Order the men to stop.
Arrest the men for breaking into the shop.
Ask the men about their behaviour.
You are an off-duty police officer who has observed a possible crime in progress in this instance. You must decide whether to act or not, as well as what kind of action to take. Regarding obligations outside of the scope of service, several police departments have varied policies. Off-duty cops are typically discouraged by law enforcement agencies from getting involved in situations unless they are critical or dangerous. Police personnel are required to secure the scene and call for backup in less dire circumstances.
The burglary described in this case is unquestionably a crime that calls for assistance. There is, however, a life-threatening issue because the business is closed. Additionally, we've been informed that you've been drinking. Under these conditions, intervening could be difficult. When everything is considered, it appears that
Right Answer: A
Question 5/105/10
Adapting to Changing Situations
Adapting to Changing Situations
Adapting to Changing Situations
Officer Jackson recently began patrolling a new neighbourhood she was previously allocated to, in a relatively low populated area, and managed to build a close relationship with the community there. Her new neighbourhood, however, is located in a heavily populated area.
How should Officer Jackson adjust to her new neighbourhood?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Focus on establishing connections with key personalities in the neighbourhood, such as local shop owners and community leaders.
Split the neighbourhood with her partner, so that each of them spend their time and effort building relationships with one half of the neighbourhood.
Concentrate on becoming acquainted with the residents of the neighbourhood.
Focus her attention on people with criminal records or past conflicts with the law.
Despite the challenges of trying to engage intimately with residents of a densely crowded neighbourhood, this question asks about the best strategy to build relationships with the community in your neighbourhood. You must demonstrate decision-making abilities and pick the most effective approach to forging ties with the neighbourhood.
Shop owners typically interact with many residents and are aware of local events. Developing relationships with them could persuade them to provide you with crucial information. Additionally, community leaders frequently keep up with everything going on in the area. Additionally, they have power. Officer Jackson would be wise to concentrate her efforts on reaching out to these two demographics (answer A) given the situation. dividing the
Right Answer: A
Question 6/106/10
Ethical Decision Making
Ethical Decision Making
Ethical Decision Making
A week later, the man who alerted you to the fire at his neighbour's house comes to the station and asks to make a statement.
He says: That fire was no accident. I know who started it. I saw him running out of the building just before the smoke started. His name is Carl O'Neil. He's been having this long dispute with my neighbour for six months now. I called the police after it happened and tried to talk to someone, but they told me they would get back to me. Two days ago I came down here and they let me speak to Officer Lee, who's in charge of the case. He said that the case is closed and refused to take my statement! I know my neighbour wouldn’t tell on Carl; he’s too afraid. The officer wouldn't listen to me! I'm afraid that something like this will happen again in my building. You have to do something!"
What would you say?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
"I'm sorry, sir, but I'm afraid that if the case is closed there's nothing I can do."
"I'm sorry, but this is Officer Lee's case. You need to talk to him."
"I'll inform Officer Lee that you came by and ask him to call you."
"Let me take your statement, and I'll send it over to Officer Lee."
In this instance, a man claims to know important details regarding a recent crime. He claims that the investigating officer will not take his statement. The question makes you feel as though you must decide between supporting the man and respecting the officer's judgement. It can appear to be a loyalty issue.
As a police officer, you are expected to exhibit a genuine commitment to serving the public by putting their needs and interests first. It is impolite to send the man away without getting his statement (answer A), as he is attempting to assist. Also, his statement deserves attention since it might be significant. Officers should respond to the needs of the public as civil servants by
Right Answer: D
Question 7/107/10
Judgement and Decision Making
Judgement and Decision Making
Judgement and Decision Making
On patrol, Officer Lopez sees a young girl walking out of a clothing store. The girl is looking around nervously, and Officer Lopez sees some articles of clothing with the labels still on protruding from her bag. There have been a few reports of shoplifting in the area recently.
What should Officer Lopez do?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Talk to the cashier at the store. Describe the girl to the cashier and ask if she paid for the items in question.
Question the girl; ask to see a proof of purchase for the items.
Write a detailed description of the incident in her report.
Radio the station and report the matter to her supervisor.
When you see something odd, you are on patrol. It is up to you to choose the best course of action.
As a police officer, you are expected to take responsibility for finding solutions and to show bravery and resiliency when confronted with challenging circumstances. You don't know for sure in this situation, but it's probable that the female paid for the products. You can get answers quickly by asking the girl for evidence of purchase (response B). Therefore, this is the best answer. If the girl turns out to be innocent, it can be embarrassing for you to choose this reaction. But it's your responsibility to look into odd behaviour.
Response A, speaking with the cashier, sounds practical and appropriate, but it might take some time.
Right Answer: B
Question 8/108/10
Professional Conduct and Integrity
Professional Conduct and Integrity
Professional Conduct and Integrity
Officer Jones stops a car for a minor violation. She approaches the car, explains the violation to the driver, and asks him for his license and registration. Eventually, she writes him a ticket. After concluding the traffic stop and permitting the driver to continue on his way, the driver asks her if it would be alright for him to take her phone number and ask her out on a date. Officer Jones agrees and hands him her number.
Was Officer Jones' behaviour acceptable?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Acceptable. Since the driver was the one who asked her out, there was no inappropriate use of her authority.
Acceptable. The non-official interaction took place after the officer issued the citation.
Unacceptable. This kind of interaction is unethical and unprofessional.
Unacceptable. Officers are not supposed to interact with traffic violators once the traffic stop is complete.
This is an ethical inquiry. You are expected to evaluate a police officer's conduct.
Police officers and other police personnel should always act with the utmost professionalism, honesty, and integrity. They shouldn't falter or abuse their authority. The only interaction an officer should have with someone they have stopped should be for official purposes. The driver might be swayed by this information because the officer is a recognisable authority figure. As stated in answer choice C, it is unethical to change the relationship into something that is not professional.
It should be noted that response D likewise asserts that the officer's actions were wrong, but the justification offered in this answer choice is less convincing. The focus of this query is on.
Right Answer: C
Question 9/109/10
Prioritization and Time Management
Prioritization and Time Management
Prioritization and Time Management
It is the end of the week, and you are required to finish your weekly report and submit it by the end of the day. You only have a couple more paragraphs to compose when your sergeant unexpectedly tells you that he needs you to immediately escort Officer Henderson on the neighbourhood patrol today.
What should you do?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Quickly finish composing your report, submit it, and then escort Officer Henderson.
Politely decline the sergeant's request as you need to stay in the office and work on your weekly report.
Immediately escort Officer Henderson to the patrol and don’t worry about completing the report. Your sergeant has given you this new task so he probably won't expect you to complete the report.
Inform your sergeant that you won't be able to complete your weekly report on time and then escort Officer Henderson.
In this situation, your boss asks you to complete a task while you are working on another one.
Police officers are supposed to plan and organise their tasks in accordance with the primary aims and objectives of the force. Although telling your sergeant that you can't do a crucial duty (D) could sound unfavourable, this is the wisest course of action. It demonstrates that you are aware of the organization's goals and priorities and how your own work fits into them. Informing your sergeant that you won't be able to complete one of your tasks by the due date because of the unexpected task you have been assigned also demonstrates your responsibility.
Right Answer: D
Question 10/1010/10
Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution
Conflict Resolution
You and your partner are on patrol late at night. You see a group of people standing around two men. One of them pushes the other. You tell your partner what you saw and ask him to stop the car so you can go check the scene. However, your partner says that they look like friends having a laugh. You are not sure and still think you should go over, just to make sure. Your partner says, "Oh come on, look at them – they're fine! Let's just finish the patrol and go home; it's so late."
What should you do?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Suggest that you wait a while to make sure everything's fine.
Insist that you investigate the situation. Offer to be the one who goes to talk to them and write the report after you drop your partner at home.
Agree to move on. If the man looks fine, it's probably nothing and there's nothing for you to investigate here.
Agree to move on this time but talk to your supervisor about it tomorrow.
In this scenario, your partner has a disagreement with you. He believes that an incident he witnessed requires investigation, while you try to convince him otherwise. This scenario forces you into choosing between what you feel is the responsible action and the relationship you have with your partner. The main factor here is that your mate hasn't made any professional claims, but instead is being unprofessional and irresponsible in letting his/her own personal comfort and needs interfere with his/job performance. This factor is crucial because it leads you to insist on investigating the incident. Your mate emphasizes the idea that the guys "look fine," but doesn't mean a crime hasn't been committed. You saw a suspicious event and therefore should investigate it, ruling out response A, which shows the perspective that police shouldn’t intervene unless someone is clearly injured. Notice that the dilemma here is whether or not to do the right thing – you're not considering any aggressive action against your partner. The best response is response B, which shows responsibility, persistence, and team work. Responses C and E share a common problem – they both show a willingness to compromise and give up on investigating the situation. While in response E you take action to avoid future incidents, you still don't do anything about the situation at hand. Furthermore, you take the drastic step of complaining to your supervisor without taking other steps, such as talking to your partner more seriously. Both responses lack responsibility, persistence, and cooperation (the ability to talk things through with your partner).
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The Police Situational Judgement Test Simulator Practice Tests are part of the Employment Practice Test Database and are the best way to prepare for any Police Situational Judgement Test exam. The Police Situational Judgement Test practice tests consist of 36 questions divided by 9 topics and are written by experts to help you and prepare you to pass the exam on the first attempt. The Police Situational Judgement Test database includes questions from previous and other exams, which means you will be able to practice simulating past and future questions. Preparation with Police Situational Judgement Test Simulator will also give you an idea of the time it will take to complete each section of the Police Situational Judgement Test practice test . It is important to note that the Police Situational Judgement Test Simulator does not replace the classic Police Situational Judgement Test study guides; however, the Simulator provides valuable insights into what to expect and how much work needs to be done to prepare for the Police Situational Judgement Test exam.
Police Situational Judgement Test Practice test therefore represents an excellent tool to prepare for the actual exam together with our Employment Practice Test practice test . Our Police Situational Judgement Test Simulator will help you assess your level of preparation and understand your strengths and weaknesses. Below you can read all the quizzes you will find in our Police Situational Judgement Test Simulator and how our unique Police Situational Judgement Test Database made up of real questions:
Info quiz:
Quiz name:Police Situational Judgement Test
Total number of questions:36
Number of questions for the test:50
Pass score:80%
Number of topics:9 Topics
Study topics:Number of questions:
Adapting to Changing Situations:2 Questions
Communication and Interpersonal Skills:2 Questions
Conflict Resolution:6 Questions
Ethical Decision Making:5 Questions
Judgement and Decision Making:3 Questions
Prioritization and Time Management:4 Questions
Problem Solving and Critical Thinking:1 Questions
Professional Conduct and Integrity:3 Questions
Public Safety and Risk Management:10 Questions
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Our Mobile App contains all Police Situational Judgement Test practice tests which consist of 36 questions that are divided by 9 topics and also provide study material to pass the final Police Situational Judgement Test exam with guaranteed success.
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