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Question 1/101/10
Situational Judgement Test
Situational Judgement Test
Situational Judgement Test
You recently submitted a paper to an upcoming professional conference that will be attended by many people from your industry and from universities globally. You have attended the conference in the past and you know it is highly regarded in the industry. The paper is a summary of some very complex research you have been undertaking with key findings that you believe people will find very interesting and useful. Upon learning that it has been accepted, your manager asks you to think about how you will present your findings in order to make the biggest impact. You only have a short time slot for your presentation. How would you respond?
Select multiple answer: (Choose 2)Select the answer
2 correct answers
Say that you intend to use a lot of graphics and images to try and draw out a handful of key messages.
Say that you intend to create a presentation that mirrors the wider research paper that you wrote with similar section headers.
Ask your manager what they think would be the best approach to use based on their experience.
Say that you will spend a small amount of time introducing your approach to the research, but will mainly discuss your key findings and conclusions.
Option C is the best response because it allows you to get advice from your manager on how to make the biggest impact with your presentation. This will help you ensure that you are using the most effective approach for the time slot you have. Option D is also a good response as it allows you to focus on discussing your key findings and conclusions, which will be of interest to those attending the conference.
Right Answer: C, D
Question 2/102/10
Numerical Reasoning Test
Numerical Reasoning Test
Numerical Reasoning Test
You recently joined an information technology consulting company as a graduate within a busy sales function. The company hasn't been performing as well as many of its competitors recently and is losing customers fairly frequently. It is a very competitive and fast moving market. Within your role, you are responsible for your own targets but have also been asked to take part in a project to review ways to increase sales and reduce costs within the department.
The project lead has suggested a series of next steps for the project and has asked which is preferable. The budget and resources available at this stage in the project are somewhat limited therefore the first stage needs to have as big an impact as possible. Which of the following approaches would you agree with?
Select multiple answer: (Choose 2)Select the answer
2 correct answers
Interview key members of staff within the team to gather their opinions on what changes need to happen in order to achieve the targets set out for the project.
Conduct an online multiple choice survey with all departmental staff asking them to consider why sales have been down of late and what should be done to address this.
Initiate a competitor review, taking account of both established and new competitors to consider how their offering compares to yours and what can be learnt from that.
Initiate a thorough review of existing processes and practices within the department to find quick-wins that will reduce costs and potentially free up more time for staff to focus on selling rather than dealing with unnecessary bureaucracy.
Option D is the preferable approach as it will allow the team to quickly identify areas where costs can be reduced and processes streamlined, freeing up more time for staff to focus on selling. This approach also has the potential to have a big impact with limited resources available, making it an ideal first step in the project.
Right Answer: C, D
Question 3/103/10
Situational Judgement Test
Situational Judgement Test
Situational Judgement Test
You are working as a graduate trainee in a large bank. While undertaking your placement with the customer service team, you take a call from an upset client. He is claiming that he was expecting a refund on some banking fees he was wrongly charged for, but he has not received them yet. He explains that a colleague of yours promised the refund would be in his account today, but the money has not arrived. He is getting more upset and is raising his voice. What would you say to him?
Select multiple answer: (Choose 2)Select the answer
2 correct answers
"I will do all I can to help you with this issue. If you give me your account details, I will investigate what has happened here."
"Let me check with the colleague you mentioned about what the situation is. If you can hold for a couple of minutes I will speak to them and will be back with you in no time."
"Sir, I can hear that you are really upset, but I need you to calm down so that I can help you."
"I am sure there is a logical explanation for this. If you give me your details I will look into it for you."
Right Answer: A, C
Question 4/104/10
Numerical Reasoning Test
Numerical Reasoning Test
Numerical Reasoning Test
You are a marketing analyst who is assigned to conduct a preliminary investigation on why product X is not doing well in the market. Product X has a lot of competitors, but only your company is losing customers frequently. The investigation has to be within a budget and a time frame. How do you respond?
Select multiple answer: (Choose 2)Select the answer
2 correct answers
Collect data from all the company employees on product X and analyse their opinions and suggestions.
Collect a thorough review of product X and identify issues and try to resolve them.
Collect comparative data on Product X and products of competing companies and review them.
Collect data from customer complaints and requests of product X and try to improve it based on this.
Right Answer: A, C
Question 5/105/10
Verbal Reasoning Test
Verbal Reasoning Test
Verbal Reasoning Test
A customer is looking to buy a product offered by your company. This product has different options available for various purposes. The customer has asked you for your advice on which product option to buy. How do you respond?
Select multiple answer: (Choose 2)Select the answer
2 correct answers
Provide the customer with the best-selling options of the product and ask to choose from these.
Direct the customer to the most expensive option available, as it provides the services of all product options.
Depending on the customer's availability, enquire into what their requirements are, and choose an appropriate option.
Identify the main need of the customer, and then direct to options that fulfil their need.
Right Answer: B, C
Question 6/106/10
Personality Test
Personality Test
Personality Test
You have an important work deadline approaching. As a team you have been working on a deal which is of significant value to your company. It's prestigious too and if you are able to pull it off it will benefit your career enormously. There are a lot of expectations of you in your personal life at this time too. What do you do next?
Select multiple answer: (Choose 2)Select the answer
2 correct answers
You let those around you know that this is a busy and important time at work and tell them that after this time you will be much more available
For you it is really important to build your life around work and not the other way round as work is the most important thing in your life and you will make any sacrifices you need to
You let it be known that you can't promise to be around much for a little while as you have so much on at work but you will do the best you can
You will do what you need to at work to ensure this important deal is signed off but you will prioritise your personal life after this time
Right Answer: B, D
Question 7/107/10
Situational Judgement Test
Situational Judgement Test
Situational Judgement Test
As part of your graduate training scheme with a large energy company, you have been undertaking a variety of placements with different departments in the business. You are close to finishing a really successful placement in the Procurement team and will be moving onto the Finance team in a week's time. At lunchtime, a colleague from Procurement, who you have become quite close to, takes you aside and warns you that there are a number of people in the Finance team who she has had problems with in the past. She says that there are people in Finance who are not to be trusted in her view and that you would be better off avoiding them if you can. What would you say?
Select multiple answer: (Choose 2)Select the answer
2 correct answers
"What makes you think they can't be trusted? What advice can you offer about how to work with them?"
"What are you basing that opinion on? Could it be that you misinterpreted their actions or intentions towards you?"
"I don't think it is appropriate for you to talk about people in this manner and I'm afraid it's probably best if we end this conversation now."
"Thanks for flagging that but it's probably better if I go there with an open mind rather than having preconceptions about my future colleagues."
Option A is the best response as it allows you to get more information from your colleague about why they think the people in the Finance team can't be trusted. This will help you to make an informed decision about how to approach them and whether or not to take their advice. Option D is also a good response as it encourages you to go into the new placement with an open mind, rather than having preconceived notions about the people you will be working with.
Right Answer: A, D
Question 8/108/10
Numerical Reasoning Test
Numerical Reasoning Test
Numerical Reasoning Test
Over the last few days you have been analysing the sales figures from the branch where you work and looking at how they compare to the sales figures of similar branches within the business from the last three months. The branch manager has requested you do this and come back to her with some key conclusions and recommendations for improvements. You can see that your own branch always experiences a major dip in sales in the third week of the month but the same is not true for the other branches.
Select multiple answer: (Choose 2)Select the answer
2 correct answers
Speak to the branch manager to find out whether she has any ideas about why this may be so.
Record the dip as a key finding in your conclusions when you present them back to the branch manager.
Look at data beyond the initial three-month period and try and interrogate the data from other angles before deciding on next steps.
Arrange to speak to the other branch managers about what you have seen in order to try and understand how their branches are not experiencing this same dip.
Right Answer: B, C
Question 9/109/10
Verbal Reasoning Test
Verbal Reasoning Test
Verbal Reasoning Test
The retail company where you have been working for the last 6 months is considering how to improve its customer loyalty card scheme. When the loyalty card was first introduced 10 years ago, it was way ahead of the competition but very few changes have been implemented since then which means it is now lagging behind somewhat. They have always been regarded as different from many other retailers due to their ethical approach to sourcing suppliers and partners.
Your manager is leading the project and has asked you to consider what steps should be taken to generate some initial ideas. A written report with a series of proposals is required within the next two weeks. With limited time, you need to think about what the most effective approach would be. Which of the approaches would you take?
Select multiple answer: (Choose 2)Select the answer
2 correct answers
Arrange a kick off meeting with your manager to brainstorm ideas based on their prior experience in retail and your observations of the business since joining.
Start by conducting desk based research to look at what the competition is doing and learning from that.
Set up a series of focus groups to include customers from a diverse range of backgrounds to try and understand what they are looking for from the loyalty card.
Meet with the finance and marketing teams and chair a session to generate ideas from them on what would generate the most financial gains in their view.
Right Answer: A, C
Question 10/1010/10
Personality Test
Personality Test
Personality Test
You are working at a consultancy company. A colleague mentioned previously that they were organising a team building weekend and you promised you would go. Circumstances have now changed, and you are unable to go… What do you do?
Select multiple answer: (Choose 2)Select the answer
2 correct answers
Tell your colleague you forgot about it and you can't go anymore as you have plans.
Don't say anything about your plans and apologise after the team building weekend has happened.
Reschedule your plans and go to the team building weekend as you had promised to go.
Tell your colleague you aren't sure you can go anymore but you will look into changing your plans.
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What to expect from our Civil Service Judgement practice test practice tests and how to prepare for any exam?
The Civil Service Judgement practice test Simulator Practice Tests are part of the Employment Practice Test Database and are the best way to prepare for any Civil Service Judgement practice test exam. The Civil Service Judgement practice test practice tests consist of 225 questions divided by 4 topics and are written by experts to help you and prepare you to pass the exam on the first attempt. The Civil Service Judgement practice test database includes questions from previous and other exams, which means you will be able to practice simulating past and future questions. Preparation with Civil Service Judgement practice test Simulator will also give you an idea of the time it will take to complete each section of the Civil Service Judgement practice test practice test . It is important to note that the Civil Service Judgement practice test Simulator does not replace the classic Civil Service Judgement practice test study guides; however, the Simulator provides valuable insights into what to expect and how much work needs to be done to prepare for the Civil Service Judgement practice test exam.
Civil Service Judgement practice test Practice test therefore represents an excellent tool to prepare for the actual exam together with our Employment Practice Test practice test . Our Civil Service Judgement practice test Simulator will help you assess your level of preparation and understand your strengths and weaknesses. Below you can read all the quizzes you will find in our Civil Service Judgement practice test Simulator and how our unique Civil Service Judgement practice test Database made up of real questions:
Info quiz:
Quiz name:Civil Service Judgement practice test
Total number of questions:225
Number of questions for the test:50
Pass score:80%
Number of topics:4 Topics
Study topics:Number of questions:
Numerical Reasoning Test:5 Questions
Personality Test:5 Questions
Situational Judgement Test:212 Questions
Verbal Reasoning Test:3 Questions
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Our Mobile App contains all Civil Service Judgement practice test practice tests which consist of 225 questions that are divided by 4 topics and also provide study material to pass the final Civil Service Judgement practice test exam with guaranteed success.
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