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Driving licence Mock Test - Step-by-step guide

Karnataka - HMV


Karnataka HMV license test for Heavy Motor Vechicle

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RTO exam driving licence test - The easiest way to get HMV driving license

7 min. 30/05/2022 30/05/2022

Are you an adult learner driver? Do you feel scared when it comes to driving? Do you think you’ll never pass your driving licence mock test? Do you have to rely on the car service provider to teach you? HMV driving in Karnataka is something that needs to be done with care. So it’s not surprising that people learn to drive later in life. But this doesn’t mean you have to rely on others to teach you. In fact, you could actually learn to drive yourself with the help of a good teacher.

But the reality is, that it can sometimes be difficult to find a good driving instructor. You need to consider that a good driving instructor must possess a certain level of knowledge and skill in order to effectively teach a learner driver. In this study guide, we are going to give you some tips on how to get your HMV driving license with ease, in the Karnataka state of India. Here, we will also answer the commonly asked questions like requirements to take the RTO exam driving licence test, the procedure to get the license, etc. So if you want to learn more about the HMV driving license, and getting a license in Karnataka, keep reading.

Driving licence mock test - All you need to know

Get your driving license for a heavy motor vehicle by reading this driving licence mock test

In this section, we will discuss the HMV vehicles, licenses, driving license mock tests, etc. So, if you are willing to get informed about the HMV driving license test in detail, keep reading.

A quick intro to the HMV

HMV is the abbreviation of Heavy Motor Vehicles. These vehicles are designed to carry loads weighing more than 10,000 kg (22,000 lbs). They are also called big trucks or heavy commercial vehicles. In Karnataka, HMVs are used to transport goods, materials, and equipment from one place to another. There are different types of HMVs. Some common types of HMVs include semi-trailers, buses, lorries, tankers, container vans, tractors, and trailers. Semi-trailers are the most common type of HMVs. Semi-trailers are basically trailers that are attached to a tractor. They are usually used to transport cargo from one place to another.

Get to know about the HMV driving license & RTO exam driving licence test

In Karnataka, there is a legal permit that you need to get, for the purpose of holding and using any vehicle. On this occasion In India, you need to get a driving license to drive any vehicle. It’s important to know that the driving license is issued to you by the state government. Without a driving license, You can’t drive any vehicle in the state of Karnataka. Because it is a legal requirement and mandatory to have. Samwise, an HMV driving license is also a must-have document, that an individual need to have, if he/she wish to drive a heavy motor vehicle on the road of Karnataka. For getting a license, the candidate has to pass a driving licence mock test. We are going to explain the HMV driving license test and its format in the sections below. So, stay with us.

Learn about the driving licence mock test

If any individual wants to get an HMV driving license, he/she has to pass a driving licence mock test. This HMV driving license test ensures that the person who is applying for the license is fit to drive the vehicle. The test consists of three parts. The first part of the test is the written test. In this part, the applicant has to answer the questions related to the driving license. The second part of the test is the practical driving test. In this part, the applicant has to drive the vehicle for a certain distance. After that, the examiner will check his/her skills and reaction time. The third part of the test is the medical examination. In this part, the applicant has to show his/her health certificate and his/her physical fitness.

What are the requirements to take the RTO exam driving licence test?

As it is a matter of driver’s and public safety, there are certain requirements to take the HMV driving license and license test. A few of these are listed below:

  • The age of the applicant has to be between 20 years to 70 years. The minimum age is 20 years. The maximum age is 70 years.

  • The candidate should have at least 02 years of LMV driving experience.

  • The applicant should be a resident of Karnataka, India.

  • He/she should have done training from a certified training school.

  • The applicant should be medically fit to drive an HMV, in Karnataka.

How issues the HMV driving license in Karnataka?

There is a driving license authority in Karnataka, which is known as the Regional Transport Office (RTO). This authority issues the HMV driving license and takes a driving licence mock test, in Karnataka. They have offices in Karnataka, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu. The RTO is responsible for issuing the license to the applicants. This department is also responsible for the conduct of driving tests and the registration of vehicles, in Karnataka.

Get to know about the procedure to get an HMV driving license in Karnataka

The process to get an HMV driving license in Karnataka is very simple. You don’t have to undergo a lot of formalities. Let me tell you the simplest and easiest way to get an HMV driving license.

The first step to getting an HMV driving license is to visit the nearest Regional Transport Office (RTO) in your city. The RTO is located in the main town of your city. You can find the RTO’s address and contact details on the official website of the RTO. The next step is to fill out the application form. This is the form that you will use to apply for the license. You can fill out the form online, or you can download it from the official website of the RTO. The applicant has to fill out the form according to the rules and regulations of the RTO. The applicant has to fill out the form by himself/herself, to take the driving licence mock test. The form is easy to fill. All you have to do is to write your name, date of birth, residential address, etc. The candidate can get and fill out the application form by visiting the official website of the RTO, Sarthi Parivahan.

After that, the candidate will have to submit the HMV driving license fee, attach the required documents, and submit the application form to the RTO. The required documents include your learner’s driving license, training completion certificate, medical certificate, age, and residence proof. The Regional Transport Office (RTO) will then verify the information provided in the application form and will call you for a driving licence mock test. If the candidate passes the test, he/she will receive the license within a few days. If the candidate fails the test, he/she will have to appear again.

If you are trying hard to pass your RTO exam driving licence test this study guide is for you to get prepared

Driving licence mock test - Format of it

In the HMV driving license test, there will be a written test. As the test will be computer-based, the applicant has to visit RTO to take this test. There will be 15 MCQs type questions in the driving licence mock test, that you will have to answer in 15-20 minutes. The language of the questions will be English. You will have to answer the questions correctly to pass the test. The passing score for the HMV driving license test is around 65%. The questions will be related to the topics like driving rules and regulations, road signs, traffic rules, and regulations, etc. The questions will be related to the basic knowledge of driving.

In the practical test, the candidate will have to drive a vehicle on the road. He/she will have to drive in different lanes and on different roads. The candidate will also have to answer a few questions. These questions will be related to driving skills and the knowledge of driving. In the medical test, the applicant will have to show his/her medical report. The candidate will have to undergo a physical examination. This is to check if the candidate is fit to drive a vehicle. The medical report will be prepared by the authorized doctor.

How to prepare for the HMV driving license test?

To get ready for the HMV driving license test, you have to prepare yourself mentally and physically. You should be aware of the rules and regulations of the road. You should also know how to drive a vehicle. The candidate should practice a lot to pass the driving licence mock test. There are many sources available on the internet, that you can use to get ready for your RTO exam driving licence test, but Easy-Quizzz is one of the best ones. The user interface of the website is very simple. Its HMV driving license test’s practice exams, web simulator, and mobile applications help to get ready for the driving license test. Its self-paced study feature makes this the most the best source for getting ready for the driving license test. So, if you wish to get your HMV driving license, Karnataka you should consider Easy-Quizzz to get ready for the exam. Good luck with your HMV driving license test!
