
Teste Gratuito
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Flight Management System (FMS) / Flight Management And Guidance System (FMGS)
When performing the FMS pre-flight set-up, you notice that the current navigation database is out of date. Which of the following is the action you should take before continuing the FMS initialisation.
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You select the valid database
You download a new database via ACARS
You select a new database from the EFB
You change the date via the on-board clock


Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems
(Refer to the question image)What can be said regarding the autopilot and flight director? Licença ATPL(A) Modular - Instrumentos de Voo Exame ATPL (A) Modular PT-LCN-XT-TMND-1717057831295 143983
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The autopilot is engaged and is conducting an autoland. The flight director is giving flight guidance as a backup
The autopilot is engaged and is on the ILS. The flight director is not engaged
The flight director is engaged on the ILS, the autopilot is primed for engagement for the flare
Number 1 autopilot is engaged on the ILS, number 2 autopilot will initiate the Land,4


Maintenance, Monitoring And Recording Systems
The airline you are working for has an FDM system in operation. What is true about the acquired information?
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The company can put you under investigation if you purposely and recklessly exceed stated parameters and limitations
It will be used to find recurring adverse safety trends
All of the other statements are correct
It will be used to improve crew training


Magnetism - Direct-reading Compass And Flux Valve
The function of a flux detection unit is to…
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measure the phase of an AC generator
measure the engine fuel flow
compare the direction of the Earth`s magnetic field with the direction of the IRS
sense the strength and direction of magnetic fields


Integrated Instruments - Electronic Displays
When completing an ECAM procedure, some actions have to be cross checked. Why?
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Some manipulations need the consultation of maintenance
Some manipulations are irreversible
ECAM procedures never require cross checking
Some manipulations need the consultation of the MEL


Measurement Of Air-data Parameters
On aeroplanes with Flight-envelope protection system, an under-read of the actual AoA measurement may...
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lead to inadequate protection when approaching the critical AoA
cause earlier-than-normal pitch auto trim stopping
prevent the aircraft from entering into an uncontrollable state
prevent extension of the leading edge and trailing edge devices for landing


Gyroscopic Instruments
The purpose of the attitude indicator is to indicate the aircraft's…
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orientation with respect to the horizon in pitch and roll
rate of heading change
orientation with respect to the horizon in roll and yaw
angle of bank and rate of heading change


Trims - Yaw Damper - Flight-envelope Protection
How does the yaw damper operate in manual flight with the Flight Director (FD) on as well as with the autopilot engaged?
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1 resposta correta
The yaw damper is disabled when FD is selected, and manual rudder control must be used to manage yaw
The yaw damper provides stability during manual control and autopilot use, as long as the FD is on
The yaw damper only operates during manual flight, and is inhibited when the autopilot is engaged
Yaw damper operation remains the same whether the FD is on or not, offering stability during manual flight and with the autopilot engaged


Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems
(Refer to the annex). On the ND, the TCAS generates the intruder aircraft symbol represented in the annex. The correct intruder vertical information is: Licença ATPL(A) Modular - Instrumentos de Voo Exame ATPL (A) Modular PT-LCN-XT-TMND-1717057831295 185110
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level at your altitude, associated with a traffic advisory (TA)
at your altitude, climbing, associated with a traffic advisory (TA)
level at your altitude, associated with a resolution advisory (RA)
at your altitude, climbing with a vertical speed greater than 500 ft/min


Inertial Navigation
Apporximately how long will ADIRU alignment take at around 60° latitude?
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1 resposta correta
No time because the ADIRU does NOT require alignment1
25 minutes2
10 minutes3
5 minutes4
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Portanto, o simulador de teste ATPL(A) Modular - Instrumentos de Voo é uma excelente ferramenta para se preparar para o exame real. O nosso simulador ATPL(A) Modular - Instrumentos de Voo irá ajudá-lo a avaliar o seu nível de preparação e a entender os seus pontos fortes e fracos. Mais abaixo, poderá consultar todos os testes que oferecemos no nosso simulador ATPL(A) Modular - Instrumentos de Voo e como o nosso exclusivo catálogo de testes ATPL(A) Modular - Instrumentos de Voo é composto por perguntas reais:

Informações sobre o simulador:

  • Nome do simulador:ATPL(A) Modular - Instrumentos de Voo
  • Número total de perguntas:1095
  • Número de questões para o teste:100
  • Pontuação de aprovação:70%
  • Número de tópicos:14 Tópicos
Tópicos de estudo:Número de perguntas:
  • Aeroplane: Automatic Flight Control Systems:162 Perguntas
  • Alerting Systems, Proximity Systems:77 Perguntas
  • Autothrust - Automatic Thrust Control System:29 Perguntas
  • Communication Systems:10 Perguntas
  • Digital Circuits And Computers:30 Perguntas
  • Flight Management System (FMS) / Flight Management And Guidance System (FMGS):81 Perguntas
  • Gyroscopic Instruments:77 Perguntas
  • Inertial Navigation:75 Perguntas
  • Integrated Instruments - Electronic Displays:125 Perguntas
  • Magnetism - Direct-reading Compass And Flux Valve:69 Perguntas
  • Maintenance, Monitoring And Recording Systems:24 Perguntas
  • Measurement Of Air-data Parameters:186 Perguntas
  • Sensors And Instruments:100 Perguntas
  • Trims - Yaw Damper - Flight-envelope Protection:50 Perguntas

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Na aplicação da Easy Quizzz pode encontrar material de estudo e testes práticos ATPL(A) Modular - Instrumentos de Voo, que consistem de 1095 perguntas divididas por 14 tópicos, para o ajudar a passar com sucesso nos seus exames. O nosso catálogo ATPL(A) Modular - Instrumentos de Voo contém centenas de perguntas e Exame ATPL (A) Modular testes relacionados com o exame ATPL(A) Modular - Instrumentos de Voo que pretende fazer. Desta forma, pode praticar em qualquer lugar, até mesmo sem acesso à internet.